Suppose their is one sender and we have three receivers.
While generating an IDOC will it generate 3 IDOCs for three receivers? Explain in detail how the flow goes from outbound to inbound systems?

Submitted by: Administrator
in SALE we maintain the Sendor as well as three Receivers
(how many receivers to send the same idoc),
and assign the sendor in sendor system as well as assign
receivers in receivers system(sale-->assignment) three

maintain the RFC destination on sendor side and all
receiver side also (sm59).

maintain the port for sendor and three receivers.

maintain the sendor and all receivers for a same message
type in distribution model.(bd64)

maintain the partner profiles for sendor and all receiver
side also (we20).

execute the outbound program(idoc generation)like BD12 for
DEBMAS message type .

check out the status using we02 or we05.
Submitted by: Administrator

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