Professional GIS Interview Questions & Answers:
1. GIS interview questions part 7:
► What are e-mail and paper addresses of some vendors?
► What public domain or shareware GIS software is available and where is it?
► Will GRASS run under LINUX OS on my PC?
► How can I convert ARC files to IDRISI?
► How can I convert ARC coverages to GRASS?
► Where can I find some AMLs to look at?
► How can I convert ARC files to some other graphics formats?
► How do Arc/Info and Intergraph MGE compare?
2. GIS interview questions part 6:
► What are some algorithms for calculating the distance between 2 points?
► What is GPS?
► What can you tell me about map projections?
3. GIS interview questions part 5:
► How can I subscribe to the Int'l Journal of GIS?
► What are some World Wide Web URLs for GIS information?
► Where can I find pointers to satellite data?
► Are any mailing lists archived anywhere?
► Can you recommend any other resource documents?
► Can you point me towards some on-line job resources?
4. GIS interview questions part 4:
► What are some other related mailing lists, ftp sites and internet sources for useful resources?
► Hey! But how do I subscribe to GIS-L, MAP-L, etc?
► What are some books and magazines available on GIS?
► Where can I get a copy of the Spatiotemporal Bibliography?
► What professional organizations are out there for GISers?
► What are some journal titles which carry GIS articles?
5. GIS interview questions part 3:
► What is the Digital Chart of the World (DCW) and how do I get one?
► Is there a package available to convert from UTM to latitude/longitude?
► Does a file exists of lat/lons for US cities?
► Where can I get old antique maps?
► Is there a standard for representing latitude and longitude?
► Has anyone compiled a list of standards and formats?
6. GIS interview questions part 2:
► What are the United States map accuracy standards?
► What is the Vector Product Format and where can I get information?
► What is this SDTS thing and is it available via ftp?
► What is a DXF file and where can I get info about it?
► What is DEM and where can I find out about some?
► Where can I get information about TIGER/Line?
► How do I order USGS maps?
7. GIS interview questions part 1:
► What in the world is a 'GIS'?
► What colleges and universities offer coursework in GIS?
► What are the NCGIA anon ftp sites and what can be found there?
► Where is that On-Line GIS Bibliography (and what's in it)?
8. Do you know which software does DC GIS use?
The District GIS software standards consist of the Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. (ESRI) products and Google Inc. geospatial services and software. The ESRI standard includes the ArcGIS line of desktop and server software product lines. The Google standard includes the Google Earth Enterprise line of server side products and Google Maps for mash-up type applications. Other geospatial software packages and vendors can be accommodated if necessary to meet specific business requirements.
9. What is a geographic information system?
GIS is a system of computer software, hardware, data, procedures and personnel combined to help, manipulate, analyze, and present information that is tied to a geographic location.
GIS or spatial data mining is the application of data mining methods to spatial data. Data mining, which is the partially automated search for hidden patterns in large databases, offers great potential benefits for applied GIS-based decision making. Typical applications including environmental monitoring. A characteristic of such applications is that spatial correlation between data measurements require the use of specialized algorithms for more efficient data analysis.