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Top Organizational Issues Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what are the organization-wide problems?

Simple employee or team issues can quickly expand to your total organization if you don't take immediate corrective action. You must avoid this situation at all costs, as it often results in your staff forming two groups, both at odds with each other. Should all your avoidance actions fail, be ready to take much more dramatic corrective measures. You must prevent these problems from negatively changing the corporate culture you have carefully cultivated to make your company and workplace a high performing entity.

2. Define the organizational modes?

★ Choice between combining development and maintenance activities or having a separate department.
★ Factors that affect this decision:
1) Size of the organization
2) Maintenance portfolio

3. Tell me about organizational problem solving steps?

Many roads can lead to organizational problems at the workplace. Successfully solving these issues, however, usually follows the same plan. First, manage and resolve the current problem right away. For example, two or three employees may have interpersonal conflicts. If you are not part of the problem, you must become the solution. Second, learn the problem's root causes. Address and correct these issues to avoid a repetition of the problem. This is simple to state, but often more difficult to accomplish. Yet, it is imperative you take these two steps to maintain a high-performing staff.

4. What you know about team problems?

To be high performing, teams must be dedicated to working toward an agreed goal. Should they experience personal disconnect with other team members, the team can become non-functional. These issues often stem from organizational or management communication breakdowns that confuse team and personal common goals. Team leaders must offer constant feedback and foster cohesiveness. When facing team issues, managers must diagnose the problem and take immediate corrective action to avoid more serious performance breakdowns.

5. Do you know what are employee Issues?

Individual employee problems can be personality conflicts, supervisor issues, personal trauma, or company structure oriented. Management must learn the cause of the problem and who or what keeps "fueling the fire." If there is no clear trigger, the answer could fall back to insufficient or confusing communications. For example, an employee in a decentralized organization may feel they must answer to multiple supervisors if the chain of command is not communicated clearly.

6. Define maintenance teams in organizational issues?

★ Constantly changing personnel:
★ Types of teams in development:
1) Ego less programming team
2) Chief programmer team
★ Types of teams in maintenance:
1) Temporary Team
2) Permanent Team

7. How to enhancing maintenance productivity?

★ Choosing the right people for the right job
★ Motivating maintenance personnel
1) Rewards (financial, promotion etc.)
2) Supervision (senior members of staff)
3) Assignment patterns (rotation)
4) Recognition (importance in organization)
5) Career structure (equivalent to development)
★ Communications (Keep them involved)

8. Define the Management responsibilities?

Managing maintenance personnel:
★ Devising means to increase personnel productivity (choice of personnel)
★ Ensure job satisfaction (motivation)
★ Improving system quality (education and training)

Organization of maintenance tasks:
★ Increase productivity
★ Control Maintenance effort and cost
★ Deliver high quality system.

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