Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral IR Executive Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Do you know what Are The Objectives Of Ilo?

☛ Full employment and rising of standard of living.
☛ Adequate protection for the life and health of the workers.
☛ The assurance of educational and Vocational opportunity.

2. Tell us what Is Grievance?

Grievance denotes any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not and whether valid or not, arising out of anything, connected with the company that an employee thinks, believes or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable.

3. Do you know what is casual leave?

Casual leave is given to employee to attend sudden and immediate social an/or personal obligations, or obligations like sister's wedding, relatives death, children education obligations ( Children's admission in school, Parent Teacher's meet) or applying for personal needs like Income Tax Returns, Passport, Ration Card, Court Proceedings Etc.

4. Tell us what Is Adjudication?

Adjudication means a mandatory settlement of an industrial dispute by a Labour court or a tribunal. Generally, the government refers a dispute for adjudication depending on the failure of conciliation proceedings.
Section 10 of the Industrial Dispute Act 1947, provides for reference of a dispute to Labour court or tribunal. The Act also lays down rules regarding the composition and powers of Labour courts and tribunal.

5. Explain me SHIFT and RELAY?

Where the work of the same kind is carried out by two or more of sets of workers working during different periods of the day each of such sets is called RELAY and each of such periods is called SHIFT.

6. Tell us what Is Charge Sheet?

Charge sheet is a memorandum of charges. Statement of allegations of misconduct/ omission/ negligence.
No particular format prescribed for charge sheet in any labor enactment. The object is to give the employee exact idea of the misconduct committed by him so that he may get reasonable opportunity to defend.

7. Tell me what is SPREAD-OVER?

According to the Sec. 56 of the Factories Act, 1948 the period of work of an adult worker shall be so arranged that inclusive of his interval for rest, they shall not spread-over more than 10 ½ Hour in a day.

8. Explain me what is Notice Period?

When an employee resigns from the organization he has to serve notice period, it means he has to give change of his work to new employee so that the Organisation cannot face any type of problem due to work. It is just for the smooth functioning of company work.

9. Tell us when A Pip Should Be Issued?

A PIP should be issued when the employee's performance falls to an unsatisfactory level in one or more critical element.

10. Tell me what Is Subsistence Allowance?

Where the workman is suspended by pending investigation or employer pending investigation or inquiry into complaints or charges of the misconduct against him, the workman shall be paid the subsistence allowance equal to 50% of wages for first 90 days of suspension and 75 % of wages for remaining period till completion of disciplinary proceedings.

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