1. Tell me why do you want a career as an assistant general counsel?

Career advancement and development to pursue next level of achievement.

2. Tell me what do you consider are your main strengths?

Remember the job description or information you have been provided with, and consider where your key strengths overlap with those that the employer is looking for.

3. What have your achievements been to date in Legal Counsel?

Working in legal and compliance sector which is my dream job.

7. Explain me a criticism that spurred you into a positive action?

Again, employers need to see that you are resilient, and eager to learn, especially in the earlier stages of your career.

8. A thorough exploration of the technical skills outlined in CV?

If you have included certain cases on your CV, then it goes without saying that you should be able to field questions about the technical aspects of any of those matters.

9. Explain me what is your philosophy towards the work?

Task completion by any means necessary.... Whatever it takes to get the job done.

10. Tell me what do you consider are your weaker areas?

It is natural to have weaknesses, but can you show how you have worked on these to turn them into strengths?

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12. Tell me what kind of supervisor gets the best work performance from you?

Someone with an open door policy, approachable, open to questions, values independent thought.

13. Explain me an occasion when you spotted a business opportunity and how you developed it?

At all levels, business development is almost invariably an important consideration. Do you have the attributes required to generate the requisite amount of new and repeat business at the appropriate stage of your career?

14. Explain me what have you enjoyed most about working here?

This type of question shows the interviewer that you care about their own experience at the company, and, in a round-about way, gets them to tell you why you should be working there. It also might give you a more personal insight into the company and culture, beyond just the role you are interviewing for.

15. Explain me what has your interaction been with various regulators?

Your General Counsel is likely to receive requests from various types of government agencies. He or she must determine the scope of these requests and provide all required information in a timely manner. Failure to do so can result in fines for your company and obstruction charges. The case of former GlaxoSmithKline associate General Counsel Lauren Stevens, who was later acquitted, serves as a cautionary tale of what can happen when there is even the perception information has been withheld.

Your next General Counsel must be unflinching in the face of scrutiny. Look for someone who has worked with regulators in a variety of areas and has a reliable system for maintaining important documents.

16. Tell me what decisions are easiest for you to make? What are the most difficult?

Easy: Business decisions that have potential to grow the business (e. G., supporting sales). Hard: Decisions that can impact people negatively.

17. Tell us what are the steps you follow to study a problem before making a decision?

Clarified the fact/background of the matter, find out the problem, investigate, recommendation.

18. Tell me do you have any experience with eDiscovery or cloud-based legal functions?

Given today's fast-paced legal field, it's important that lawyer interview questions address trends affecting the profession, including legal technology and eDiscovery. If these areas aren't your specialties, you can still ask questions to determine how experienced candidates are in these areas. Exceptional answers about the eDiscovery process may include mention of the "blind spot" - that is, evidence created during the eDiscovery process itself - or recent case law.

19. Tell me an example of where you have had to deal with a difficult team member. How did you resolve the issue?

Especially at a more junior level, you can face questions that seek to weed out candidates that are not really “team players”. It is natural to encounter conflict, but how you deal with it is the important thing.

20. Tell us how would you describe the company's culture and working environment? Is it more collaborative or independent in nature?

Asking about the company's culture indicates that you want to optimize your performance and that you understand that the atmosphere around you can be a crucial factor in your success at a company. Finding out whether you will be working in more of a team setting or on your own could very well factor into your decision whether or not to take the job.

21. Tell me about the last time you encountered a problem at work with a client, colleague or boss?

This question can help you assess the candidate's problem-resolution skills. Strong answers will reveal how candidates resolved both the problem and the interpersonal situation, including what they did to address their part in creating the situation and resolving both professional and personal aspects. Candidates who miss the point of your question might deflect or pinpoint blame onto another party.

22. Tell me me through your key clients and what level of relationship you have with them. Which skills are most important when dealing with clients and why?

Client is king in this economic climate, so no matter whether you are an NQ or a partner designate, it is often very important to show that you are the kind of person that fosters relationships.

23. Tell me what are the most business critical issues you think the company will face in the next twelve months?

This question demonstrates that you are thinking ahead and that you want to be prepared for any challenges the company will face in the near future. It also conveys a real interest in the job and that you are thinking past the scope of the role and about the company as a whole.

24. Basic Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ What is your alternative career, should law not be the avenue for you?
☛ Would you be able to supply any references?
☛ What sort of response would we get from your referees about your professional as well as social manner?
☛ Why would you want to do LSC funded (legal aid) work? If not, why not? Explain.
☛ Why should we employ you, instead of someone else?
☛ What do you think about partnership prospects in the future?
☛ We are not willing to give partnership prospects, what are your views on that?
☛ What are you expecting from this firm in the future?
☛ What are your views on the franchising of legal aid firms?
☛ What are your views on the policies of the Legal Services Commission?
☛ What do you know about the impact of the Human Rights Act on law in this country?
☛ Do you think that there will be a major impact on criminal law?
☛ How has business/commercial/family law been affected by the change?
☛ Have you ever attended a court hearing or employment tribunal?
☛ What was the outcome?
☛ How much preparation on files for trial do you do?
☛ How much do you expect Counsel to do?
☛ What do you think about the principle of Legal Aid? Should clients have to pay for services they use in all circumstances?
☛ Are you willing to do after-hour work?
☛ Are you willing to go through the accreditation process for police station advisors?
☛ In the future would you be willing to manage a branch office? If not, why not? Explain.
☛ What sort of advocacy experience do you have (apart from those taught on the LPC)?
☛ Do you think you would need to undergo training for advocacy?
☛ How do you stand on equal opportunities?
☛ Have you ever been involved either paid or unpaid with the services of the voluntary sector?

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25. Top 21 Fresh Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

1. How did you become interested in X practice area/subject matter?

2. Did you focus on X while you attended law school? (If you are still in school) Do you recommend any courses or clinics that would enhance my understanding of X field?

3. Why did you choose this firm/organization over others?

4. What do you like most about this firm/practice group/organization?

5. What makes someone successful in this role?

6. Tell me about the firm/practice group/organization culture.

7. How is work distributed/how will I receive assignments?

8. What type of assignments do attorneys of my level typically work on?

9. Will I work with the same partners/senior attorneys often or will I be assigned to projects with different partners/senior attorneys?

10. How will my work be evaluated? What kind of feedback can I expect to receive?

11. How do you think the firm will grow in the next five years?

12. Is there a shadowing or training period?

13. How does the firm train junior attorneys to develop business?

14. What makes this firm/organization unique from other similar firms/organizations?

15. Tell me about a memorable case/deal/issue you worked on while working at this firm/organization.

16. Can you explain the firm's/organization's management structure to me in greater detail? Does the headquarter office dictate the actions of the other offices?

17. What type of interaction do attorneys in this office have with attorneys at the firm's/organization's other offices?

18. What do you find most challenging about your practice?

19. What are the biggest challenges facing the firm/organization right now?

20. What is the next step in the hiring process?

21. Do you have any concerns about me as a candidate that would disqualify me from the position?

26. Professional Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ What do you think about law as it is practised in private practice firms?
☛ What are the three main attributes for a successful commercial lawyer?
☛ What views do you hold on the recent budget?
☛ Who would you take a desert island, and why?
☛ Are you a member of any clubs or charities?
☛ What sort of activities are you interested in outside of work?
☛ Are you a socialising person? What is your work/life balance?
☛ Would your social life infringe on your work commitment?
☛ If so, how? Explain.
☛ What sort of management skills do you have?
☛ Do you think you require training in management skills? Why?
☛ Do you prefer to manage yourself or let someone else do the managing?
☛ Are you a leader or a follower?
☛ Are you computer literate?
☛ Would you be able to do time-recording? Do you keep good time?
☛ What sort of employment background do you have?
☛ Why did you come to us through an agency?
☛ Have you applied anywhere else apart from us?
☛ Have you had any other interviews apart from us?
☛ Have you been offered a position yet?
☛ How much notice would you need to give to your present employer if you were offered a position?
☛ Would you be willing to branch out into any other area of law, if the need arose?
☛ Have you ever been abroad?
☛ Do you speak any other languages apart from English?
☛ What questions have you for us?

27. Difficult Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ What interests you about this legal department or law firm? About this particular position?
☛ If you could design the perfect legal job for yourself, what would would it be? Why?
☛ As a legal professional, how would your colleagues describe you? How would the general counsel or your supervising partner describe you?
☛ What can you do for this law department or firm that no one else can?
☛ How do you structure your time?
☛ What do you like about your current job? What would you change about it?
☛ What are your three most significant professional accomplishments? Interview Questions for Legal Recruiting
☛ Describe a situation at work in which you had to delegate responsibility. How did it turn out?
☛ Describe a time when you took initiative with respect to a particular project.
☛ What is the best constructive criticism you've ever received? Why?
☛ Tell me about a time when you made a mistake or regretted your decision. How did you handle it?
☛ Describe a time when you set specific career or project goals for yourself. How did things turn out?
☛ How do you typically handle stress at the office? Describe an example.
☛ Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty for a client?
☛ Imagine it's six months after you started this job. What criteria will determine whether you've made the right choice?

28. Common Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ When you are doing work that you don't enjoy, how do you approach and get through it?
☛ How do you approach prioritising work?
☛ Describe a situation where you were able to positively influence your colleagues to a desirable conclusion.
☛ What strategies do you use to cope with pressure?
☛ Have you had experience of writing articles, presenting at seminars/conferences? How did this come about?
☛ Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult client and how you handled it.
☛ Does your firm encourage cross selling, if so, what part have you played in this?

29. Typical Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ Why should we hire you?
☛ How do you evaluate success?
☛ Why do you want a career as an assistant general counsel?
☛ What kind of supervisor gets the best work performance from you?
☛ Tell me about your most successful leadership experience.
☛ What is your philosophy towards work?
☛ What decisions are easiest for you to make? What are the most difficult?
☛ What three words would you use to describe yourself?
☛ Have you ever been overloaded with work?
☛ What have you done to further your own professional development in the past 5 years?
☛ How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?
☛ Tell us about the last time you had to negotiate with someone.
☛ What are the steps you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
☛ What have your achievements been to date?
☛ Describe a difficult project and how you overcame it?
☛ How do you handle stress and pressure?
☛ What major challenges and problems did you face at your last position?
☛ As an Assistant General Counsel, what do you believe is your best asset?

30. Top 50 Legal Counsel Job Interview Questions:

☛ 1 Where do you see yourself in five years time?
☛ 2 Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
☛ 3 Tell me about yourself?
☛ 4 What is your major achievement?
☛ 5 What do you consider yourself good at doing?
☛ 6 What sort of person are you?
☛ 7 What are your strengths?
☛ 8 What are your weaknesses?
☛ 9 How would you approach this job?
☛ 10 How do you get things done?
☛ 11 How would you decide on your objectives?
☛ 12 How do you manage your day?
☛ 13 What motivates you?
☛ 14 How do you cope without motivation?
☛ 15 How long were you at your last job?
☛ 16 Why did you leave your last job?
☛ 17 How have you changed in the last five years?
☛ 18 What contribution do you make to a team?
☛ 19 How do you react if you find that someone you work with does not like you?
☛ 20 Have you ever experienced such a problem during your working life?
☛ 21 If so, how did you cope and how did the matter resolve itself if it did occur?
☛ 22 What would your peers say about you?
☛ 23 Describe your ideal work environment?
☛ 24 Describe your worst work environment?
☛ 25 Tell me about a time when you successfully handled a situation?
☛ 26 Tell me about a time when you felt that you dealt with a situation inadequately, and how has that changed how you would approach the same situation?
☛ 27 What do you think you can bring to this position?
☛ 28 What do you think you can bring to this company?
☛ 29 How do you see this job developing?
☛ 30 What sort of salary are you expecting?
☛ 31 What was your last salary?
☛ 32 If you did not have to work what would you do?
☛ 33 What decisions do you find easy to make?
☛ 34 What decisions do you find difficult to make?
☛ 35 Do you like to work in a team or on your own?
☛ 36 What would you do if you don't get this position?
☛ 37 If offered the position, how long do you plan to stay at this company?
☛ 38 On taking this job, what would be your major contribution?
☛ 39 How do you get the best out of people?
☛ 40 How do you respond under stress?
☛ 41 Can you provide a recent example of when you were under stress, and how you coped?
☛ 42 What support training would you require to be able to do this job? If not, why not? Explain.
☛ 43 What would you look forward to most in this job?
☛ 44 In your view, what are the major problems/opportunities facing the legal industry?
☛ 45 What will be your key target in this job if we appoint you?
☛ 46 What makes you think you can be successful with us?
☛ 47 How does the job sound to you?
☛ 48 Which subjects did you enjoy during your qualifying degree?
☛ 49 Why do you want to be a solicitor?
☛ 50 Have you always wanted to be a solicitor?

31. Explain me the most complex legal issues you have faced. What was your strategy for solving the problems and what was the outcome?

You need to gain an understanding of how the candidate will handle potential issues at your company.

Examine how the candidate works with key stakeholders to develop a strategy. While the candidate should take an authoritative stance on the matter, it can be problematic if he or she makes important decisions without seeking input from others. If the topic was unfamiliar, how did the candidate research it? No legal professional has all the answers, but any competent professional knows where to find them.

32. Tell us what is your risk tolerance? Have you made a legal decision you have come to regret?

The General Counsel must be unafraid to face the fallout of difficult decisions, whether they involve dealings with regulators or simply taking a stance unpopular within the company. Someone who has been in the industry long enough has no doubt faced these stressful situations.

If the candidate offers a specific example, he or she should be able to demonstrate an important lesson learned from that situation and show that it resulted in change. A candidate who has no regrets may not be taking an honest inventory of the impact of his or her decisions.

33. Tell me are there opportunities for growth and advancement here?

This question emphasizes your desire to progress and that long term growth within the company is important to you. It shows that you will be committed to the company and conveys dedication and determination. The answer will also give you some insight as to what the company's general feeling is on internal promotion.

34. Why should we hire you as Legal Counsel?

I am a business partner, who couples risk management with business promotion. People enjoy working with me as a result of my open and confident style.

35. Explain me about your most successful leadership experience?

M&A projects, leading multi-disciplinary teams throughout the company, reporting to steering committees. Problem: internal man-hours. Solution: Clear communicaiton, regular reporting, building confidence.