Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Personal Conflict Interview Questions & Answers:

1. How you resolved a problem between employees?

When resolving a problem between employees, I serve as a neutral third party. When needed, I establish rules of conduct. For an organization to operate efficiently, employees must be on the same page. At most organizations, bad feelings may exist among some employees, so a manager is responsible for ensuring that employees are placed in situations where they're comfortable to focus on their job responsibilities. In other words, employees must be situated around others they can work with so productivity is not affected.

2. What is the Result of good conflict resolution?

A good conflict resolution example has a happy ending. Describe the positive outcomes resulting from your actions. When possible provide quantifiable results. If you're unable to measure the results, provide anecdotal evidence that positive outcomes were achieved.

3. How you dealt with conflict in each?

Review in your mind both the effective and ineffective strategies you used in each instance. Although you will not share all of your failures during an interview, understanding how you have grown in addressing conflict is useful as a self-awareness exercise. You also will be prepared should the interviewer ask you to describe the lessons you have learned in regards to dealing with conflict.

4. Do you know why interviewers ask about conflict?

Most jobs require you to get along with different types of people. Some of your coworkers, managers, and/or clients will turn out to be idiots, slackers, and/or weirdos. Disagreements are bound to arise.
To succeed at work, you must be able to deal with conflict professionally. This is particularly true in certain jobs (project management, customer service, law) and in certain company cultures.
Your interviewer wants to get a sense of how you will respond to conflict.

5. When everyone in the meeting was opposing your ideas. How did you manage to work it out?

Candidate should appear to know how to convince others that their point is right. Sees conflict as natural. Never personalizes it, but explains the issues involved forcefully; stands up for what he believes is best for the business in a logical and reasonable manner.

6. Suppose you had to work through some negativity to get some work done?

Answer given should show you that the candidate can stick with it and work through negativity quickly.

7. Suppose you had a disagreement with a colleague at work. How did you manage to work it out?

Job seeker should appear to know how to resolve issues and uses it as an opportunity to reinforce interpersonal relationships; concentrates on the issues and never personalizes things.

8. Describe about a situation where you were aware of a serious mistake made by a colleague and what did you do about it?

You basically want to hear that they do not like to point fingers at others; that they try to stop the mistake from happening again by making his/her colleague aware of their error in a non blame educational manner.

9. Describe about a time when you helped to successfully mediate in a conflict? How did you feel?

Candidate should show that they are helpful in resolving conflicts by understanding each co-workers view of the situation.

10. Tell me how do you manage to work with people whom you are not comfortable with? What do you do in such situations?

Job seeker should explain that they put the team first; should not appear easily intimidated; seeks to resolve differences; does not personalize conflicts.

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