1. How to initiative to recession-proof your job?

The most efficient way to recession-proof your job is to become the type of employee your company would need after downsizing its workforce. As such, you have to be at your absolute best during these trying times, demonstrating your expertise as well as your autonomy. Keep in mind that working long hours is not nearly as impressive as getting the job done quickly and efficiently. Show your employer that you can multitask and prioritize your duties.

2. How to make job recession proof with be visible attitude?

It's important that you distinguish yourself from your coworkers if you want to recession-proof your job. You need to ensure that your employer sees you as more than just a number, so try to stand out during meetings by taking an active interest in the issues and making constructive suggestions whenever possible. By the same token, you should never be shy about asking questions or giving praise. Your goal isn't to present yourself as a blowhard, but rather as a valuable team player.

3. How to make job recession proof with keeping a positive attitude?

Uncertainty that comes with a recession can make your professional life particularly stressful, but it's crucial that you remain upbeat whenever you're at the office. Employers often spare solution-minded staff members when culling their workforce, so gaining a reputation as a morale booster is a great way to recession-proof your job. Besides, if you keep whining about your occupation, your managers might get the impression they'd be doing you a favor by letting you go.

4. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 15:

★ Funeral Attendants
★ Postal Service Clerks
★ Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay
★ Hazardous Materials Removal Workers
★ Postmasters and Mail Superintendents
★ Bailiffs
★ Library Assistants, Clerical
★ Animal Control Workers
★ Broadcast Technicians
★ Animal Scientists

5. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 14:

★ Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators
★ Power Plant Operators
★ Tax Examiners, Collectors, and Revenue Agents
★ Soil and Plant Scientists
★ Fire Inspectors and Investigators
★ Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers
★ Archivists
★ Museum Technicians and Conservators
★ Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators
★ Dietetic Technicians

6. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 13:

★ Pest Control Workers
★ Medical Equipment Prepares
★ Library Technicians
★ Audiologists
★ Political Scientists
★ Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighs
★ Embalmers
★ Sociologists
★ Food Scientists and Technologists
★ Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians

7. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 12:

★ Anthropologists and Archaeologists
★ Dietitians and Nutritionists
★ Bus Drivers, School
★ Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers
★ Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment
★ Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage
★ Nuclear Power Reactor Operators
★ Vocational Education Teachers, Secondary School
★ Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers
★ Physical Therapist Aides

8. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 11:

★ Film and Video Editors
★ Gaming Surveillance Officers and Gaming Investigators
★ Podiatrists
★ Teacher Assistants
★ Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates
★ Mathematicians
★ Economists
★ Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs
★ Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan
★ Postal Service Mail Carriers

9. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 10:

★ Curators
★ Private Detectives and Investigators
★ Air Traffic Controllers
★ Statisticians
★ Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators
★ Editors
★ Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians
★ Insurance Underwriters
★ Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers
★ Athletic Trainers

10. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 9:

★ Athletes and Sports Competitors
★ Audio and Video Equipment Technicians
★ Environmental Engineering Technicians
★ Funeral Directors
★ Librarians
★ Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
★ Nuclear Medicine Technologists
★ Budget Analysts
★ Special Education Teachers, Secondary School
★ Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity

11. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 8:

★ First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers
★ Occupational Therapist Assistants
★ Automotive Body and Related Repairers
★ Optometrists
★ Fire Fighters
★ First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Correctional Officers
★ Coaches and Scouts
★ Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
★ Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
★ Massage Therapists

12. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 7:

★ Rehabilitation Counselors
★ Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators
★ Education Administrators, Preschool and Child Care Center/Program
★ Chiropractors
★ Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians
★ Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants
★ Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
★ Court Reporters
★ Industrial-Organizational Psychologists
★ Interpreters and Translators

13. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 6:

★ Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
★ Respiratory Therapists
★ Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education
★ Speech-Language Pathologists
★ Diagnostic Medical Sonography
★ First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Police and Detectives
★ Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists
★ Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
★ Hydrologists
★ Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, and GED Teachers and Instructors

14. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 5:

★ Correctional Officers and Jailers
★ Radio-logic Technologists and Technicians
★ Marriage and Family Therapists
★ Physical Therapist Assistants
★ Radiation Therapists
★ Preschool Teachers, Except Special Ed.
★ Surgical Technologists
★ Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers
★ Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses
★ Special Education Teachers, Middle School

15. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 4:

★ Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School
★ Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers
★ Self-Enrichment Education Teachers
★ Pharmacy Technicians
★ Clergy
★ Dental Assistants
★ Geo-scientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers
★ Child, Family, and School Social Workers
★ Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Ed.
★ Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education

16. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 3:

★ Detectives and Criminal Investigators
★ Actuaries
★ Medical Assistants
★ Mental Health Counselors
★ Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
★ Social and Human Service Assistants
★ Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors
★ Health Educators
★ Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists
★ Medical and Public Health Social Workers

17. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 2:

★ Physician Assistants
★ Veterinarians
★ Database Administrators
★ Social and Community Service Managers
★ Instructional Coordinators
★ Environmental Engineers
★ Education Administrators, Post-secondary
★ Occupational Therapists
★ Public Relations Specialists
★ Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health

18. Top Recession Proof Jobs part 1:

★ Computer Systems Analysts
★ Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
★ Network and Computer Systems Administrators
★ Registered Nurses
★ Dental Hygienists
★ Pharmacists
★ Teachers, Post-secondary
★ Physical Therapists
★ Physicians and Surgeons
★ Medical and Health Services Managers

19. What happened when recession occurs?

Many people, especially those who have lost their jobs, those whose jobs have been threatened, or those who fear losing their jobs are motivated to seek education to be able to obtain recession-proof employment in their future.

20. What makes a job recession-proof?

What makes a job so-called recession-proof is society's perpetual need and heavy demand for the service related jobs. Certain fields, such as health care, education, law enforcement, and various computer-related occupations are thereby always in demand. But as to which specific jobs are the most recession-proof, this varies in different eras, as the times change, and each recession differs. Also, the geographic locality may make a difference.

21. What is Recession Proof Jobs?

Recession-proof job is a job that one is likely to be able to find even during hard economic times. Though these jobs are not truly recession-proof, they have a continual demand for workers, thereby increasing the chances that one who has the skills will be likely to find employment.