1. Explain How many type of siebel Data model extensions are there?
standard and custom extensions
To Configure MVG Both join and link are necessary.Expand BC Where u have the joined field. Go to multi value link create a new record give any name as it should not be null. In Destination BC property choose the BC where the joined field is originating (Child BC).In Destination link press F2 and pick the appropriate link.Go to field of parent BC create a field as ssa primary and give a join if BC has extensions like S_org_ext for account BC and give the column name (foreign key). Thengo to Multivalue link again and under primary ID field press F2 and select this ssa primary field. Go to Multivalue Field - create new record - give the same name of joined field but in different case just to differentiate( Ex: EMAIL for actual email field) under MVL property press F2 and select MVL name displayed. Under Field property press F2 and select 'email'.Open Wizard - select MVG applet - select child BC- Select all the fields along with SSA PRIMARY FIELD - select popup list as web template. Copy this MVG applet name and paste it in MVG applet property of EMAIL field in list - list column of parent list applet. (Ex: delete the old 'email' record, create new record and select EMAIL field. make changes in Edit web layout of parent list applet and compile. Add the necessary buttons in the MVG applet. IF configuring MVG for a M:M link u need to mentions association child applet to the MVG applet created. If that is 1:M link then a foreign key relationship exists.{Simple way to say: Create MVL(multivalue Link), mention primary field ID- Create MVF(multivalue field) - Replce the joined SVF(single value field) in parent applet list list column with the MVF. Create MVF applet paste the applet in MVG applet property. Compile.create new record in MVF give foreignkey name and under field give ID for 1:M link. For M:M link paste Association child applet associate applet property of MVG applet }
3. Tell me When do you use Property Sets in Siebel?
Property Sets are the Hierarchical structures of Variable Names and Values. These Property Sets can be used in Workflow processes Parameters or for any input or output Parameters in scripting.
Ex: var input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
after this we can store sets of Variables and their values.
4. Explain What is foreign key table in Siebel?
Foreign key table is the property for a column in the table. it specifies for a column from which table this reference has been came.
5. How to assign responsibilities to employees in Siebel?
Go To SiteMap->UserAdministration->Employees
In the Employee Applet Query for the required Employee and there in u will find a Responsibilty field just click that to find the required responsibitly and add it.If required set it to primary
6. What is the use of catch in escript?
The catch clause is used to handle the exception. To raise an exception, use the throw statement.
When you want to trap potential errors generated by a block of code, place that code in a try
statement, and follow the try statement with a catch statement. The catch statement is used to
process the exceptions that may occur in the manner you specify in the exception_handling_block.
The following example demonstrates the general form of the try statement with the catch clause. In
this example, the script continues executing after the error message is displayed:
catch( e )
"Something bad happened: %s
7. When do you use genbscript.exe?
Genbscript stands for generate browser script. genbscript is used to generate browser scripts from command line interface.
Genbscript is used to generate browser scripts. It is created on application server using the srf files. The genB files generated on application servers are then transferred on the webservers.
You can export LOVs using Application Deployment Manager.
LOV's can be imported by using EIM, if the Number of LOV's is small you can add it manually from the UI.Using ADM also you can migrate LOV's
9. What are different types of Tables?
There are 4 types of tables in siebel
1) Base Table (Ex: s_contact, s_user)
2) Extension table ( Ex: s_contact_x)
3) EIM tables
4) Intersection Tables (Ex: s_org_bu)
10. What is the difference between an organization and division in Siebel?
Organizations can be used to control data visibility, Divisions cannot.Divisions can be used to set Default Currencies.
11. How is Siebel 7.x data model is different from Siebel 6.0 data model?
S_PARTY is the base tables and S_CONTACT,S_ORG_EXT,S_POSTN, S_USER are now extension tables. Siebel 6.x was dedicated application while from Siebel 7.x onwards we can access Siebel application via web.
not only s_party table but also physical user interface layer will not be there in 6.x
12. How to specify a view to be displayed as aggregate view in Siebel 7.7?
when adding view to screen specify the type as aggregate view.But Before that you should create the parent category.then add this parent category to aggregate view.
Parent category for Aggregate view is not required. If there is a parent category for an aggregate view, then aggregate view will appears as a link in the view drop-down list in applet headers, or it will appears as a link in the link bar below screen tabs.
13. Explain What is the difference between Links and Multi Value links?
Link is used for Master Detail View of two BCs. where as MVL is used to view the child records using MVG. MVL uses Link to get the records from the child BC.
Pre Default Value will be defaulted when new record is created. Post Default Value will be defaulted if there is no value specified for the field. so, Pre Default Value will be stored in the Database. harsha: you can add quistions by clicking the hyperlink on the above bar "Ask Quistion".
Whenever a record gets created Predefault value takes prescedence and get sets, however suppose if you now blank out that value and step off the record Post default value will be set on that field.So postdefault value get sets when you actually save the record and field should be blank
15. Why do we need to create employees at the database in Siebel?
To enable the employee to connect to the database using the Application and have database access, the user corresponding to that employee should be created in the Database
16. Explain What is detailed category in configuration,and its use?
In an application, we see a page tab let say Account. Below that we have let say My/My Teams/All Accounts. Each has a form applet showing account name, address etc. Related to this we have several tabs like account address, account profile?clicking on which show us accounts detail in that specific area.
So the Account is Aggregate category. My /my teams/all is Aggregate View?These tabs which will show details of Account is Detail Category. So any child object of a aggregate category showing details of an entity is Aggregate category.
17. What is constrainted picklist? Where you will drop the constraints?
Constrainted picklist displayed value based on contaraint used.
Add field to constraint in pickmap of a field where picklist has configured in BC and set constraint option of added field to true.
18. How to improve your performance in views?
The basic factors for performance decrease in views will be. more number of applets. which led to many links. and more joined fields in a single applet. MVG's which do not have the primaries set.
19. what is the link specification?
Link spec uses parent type default values & gets the value for the child record
20. Tell me What happens if you create an employee in Siebel application and forget to create?
The employees would not be able to log in as you have to create a database login and password for the employee to login into the client application.
21. How to resolve Foreign Key in EIM?
Populate all User key columns which will resolve foreign key.
22. How to do validations in escripts and in configuration?
In Tools select the object definition,right click and select validate. this is used to check the correctness of values of a perticular object before going to store.
in escripting, once we write script then we can do validation by check syntax option.
23. What is Difference between LOV and Picklist??
LOV is to store the values for the picklist in the application admin and where as picklist is used to select the value from the list of values
LOV is list of values and this LOV contains all the values which r used in the picklist.
24. What is Client Business Service?
We can see the Business Services Client also. These are called Client Business Services we can see them in Business Service Administration Screens. We can write the script for the BS in the client itself. After writing the BS there is no need to to compile those BS's.
25. Explain Is it required to install gateway server before installing a Siebel server?
Yes, Because one Gateway Server can have multiple Siebel Servers
Yes,because it will contain all the information regarding the components, their allocation, their parameter values,profile config information, which in turn had odbc details etc in a file called siebel.dat.
26. How to edit the joined fields values in join?
Using picklists and MVGs. MVGs require join field and link as prerequisites unlike picklists where just a join is enough.
Resonate is third party software development tool, which is used for distibuting the cilent request to the least laden siebel server.
This is nothing but a load balancer. it was used in 7.5
28. What is detailed category and what is its use in configuration?
Detailed Category and Aggregate Category are the two different sets. You can add a view to a screen under Detailed Category or an Aggregate Category. For Example:
If I am creating two Views as detailes views. First I need to create a Detailed Category. Then I have to create two Detailed Views, for which the "Category" property must be specified with the created Detailed Category name. This is same for Aggregate Views also.
29. What is nameserver? What does it do?
Name server is the part of gateway server that dynamically registers all servers in enterprise, serves a connection broker across the enterprise.
30. Explain How does your b/c and view related?
View contains applets which are related to b/c. Collection of b/cs is b/o.
31. How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x?
In siebel 7.x it was defined as 1.Physical user interface2.Logical user interface3.Business layer4.Data layer5.Third party RdmsThe main difference is , In siebel 6.x Phycial interface was not achieved.In Physical Interface includes web templates, css sheets
32. What are Pre defined Queries?
Pre Defined queries are some thing which helps us to navigate directly to particular screens or views. it helps in accessing the screens or views in faster manners
PDQ's are queries that are fired when we navigate to a particular view if there is a pdq defined on any of the applets present in that view.It can be specific to users i.e private or general i.e. public.It is stored in the user preference file.
It improves the performance by lim iting the amount of data being retrieved in the particular applet
33. How to create extension table to an interface table in Siebel?
Extension tables are created only for base tables.I think we can not extend the interface table.
34. What is an extension table and how is it related to base table?
Extension table may be 1:1 realation table to the base table or a 1:M relation to the base table.
1:1 extension table and the base table are logically considered as a single table.
Par_row_id will be the foriegn key.
35. How to create an extension table with an intersection table?
We can not create an extension table with an intersection table