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Principal Interview Question:
Second Principal Job Interview Questions:
Submitted by: Administrator► How would you implement a one-to-one technology initiative at the high school level?
► Describe a time you began a new program at your school. What steps did you follow to make this successful?
► How do you build a positive school culture or climate? Give examples of how you would do that here.
► Describe the way you interact with stakeholders in the community?
► How do you handle relationships with direct supervisors even when you may not always agree?
► How do you recruit and maintain quality teachers and staff members?
Submitted by:
► Describe a time you began a new program at your school. What steps did you follow to make this successful?
► How do you build a positive school culture or climate? Give examples of how you would do that here.
► Describe the way you interact with stakeholders in the community?
► How do you handle relationships with direct supervisors even when you may not always agree?
► How do you recruit and maintain quality teachers and staff members?
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