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MCSD.NET - 70-300 Interview Question:
Suppose You are validating the physical design of a data a data layer class that will return a set of time
entries from the timesheet database. This class will be used by the Web application for Team
Leads and Business Planners and, indirectly, by the new timesheet application.
The class must use connection pooling, and it must be as secure and as flexible as possible. You
need to specify a Microsoft SQL Server authentication strategy that meets these requirements.
Which strategy should you use?
A. The data class uses SQL Server authentication with an application specific SQL Server
account. The account name and password are embedded in a connection string
B. The data class uses Windows authentication when connecting to the database and
impersonates a specific account created for operations on the database
C. The data class uses Windows authentication when connecting to the database and
impersonates the application user
D. The data class uses SQL Server authentication with the SQL Server sa account
Submitted by: AdministratorB. The data class uses Windows authentication when connecting to the database and impersonates a specific account created for operations on the database
Submitted by: Administrator
Submitted by: Administrator
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