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Teacher Head Interview Question:
Tell me how do you manage and maintain equipment?
Submitted by: Muhammad► Do a safety check at the beginning of each lesson.
► Ensure tool cupboards etc are fully stocked.
► Put in place subject/room managers who supervise the rooms/programs.
► Close the rooms down at the end of each term (3 to 5 days) to allow maintenance to be completed. Get the students involved in repairing equipment etc. Sand benches down and coat in a finish - tung oil is very good. Reward them for this, radio on, BBQ.
► Set up a system where equipment to be repaired or replaced is listed on a whiteboard or similar.
► Do a safety/room check at the end of each lesson.
Submitted by: Muhammad
► Ensure tool cupboards etc are fully stocked.
► Put in place subject/room managers who supervise the rooms/programs.
► Close the rooms down at the end of each term (3 to 5 days) to allow maintenance to be completed. Get the students involved in repairing equipment etc. Sand benches down and coat in a finish - tung oil is very good. Reward them for this, radio on, BBQ.
► Set up a system where equipment to be repaired or replaced is listed on a whiteboard or similar.
► Do a safety/room check at the end of each lesson.
Submitted by: Muhammad
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