Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Pedologist Interview Question:

Tell me what is your daily routine? How many hours a day/week do you work? Do you ever have to take work home or work outside of the workplace?

Submitted by: Muhammad
My daily routine is varied. As a professor, during the semesters when I am teaching 3 classes and 2 or 3 labs, most of my time is consumed in preparing for lectures or labs, and conducting the lectures and labs. Often about 16 to 20 hours a week is spent with students in classes or labs. Another 10 hours a week is usually spent preparing for them. Additional work is involved in preparing assignments and exams and grading them. I also have work that I do for the university, serving on committees and things that takes an hour or two a week. I a few hours each week with undergraduate students answering questions and helping them understand things they did not grasp during the lectures, and with graduate students, providing guidance on their research projects. I probably average 50 to 60 hours a week when all those things are combined. Sometimes I take work home, usually it is grading papers, or reviewing a manuscript (the scientific report of a research project). In addition to working with schools occasionally (usually about 500 plus students per year), I also give presentations on soil for local meetings, usually for farmers or for Master Gardeners groups.
Submitted by: Muhammad

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