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SAP PM Interview Question:

What are the common PM interview questions?

Submitted by: Administrator
1)What about class & characteristics is it also the same
2)counter is triggers order when particular value set
comes ,so is it possible to trigger it on alpha bet instead
of digit reference for any type of counting . i.e. Is it
possible to count alpha bet instead of digit?
3) When I search that t code on sap forum It will show for
sub order .So when & why we create sub order
4) What is significance of T code iw36.
5) In IMG settings, Maintain the Value category for
Internal labor cost, and assigned to appreciate cost
elements group.
Submitted by: Administrator

It is based on below :-
1) Type of industry
2) Who is taking interview ( Person work experience )
3) what type of requirement i.e. report plant required
through SAP PM

Question :- ( Any question can ask of below relating to PM
config)& other relating to above point
Create Structure for functional Location
Define functional Location category
Define Equipment category
Define Number range for Equipment
Define User status to equipment
Define Measuring point category
Define Permit Category
PM Master Data
Set BOM modification parameter
Define BOM status
Define BOM usage
Define Spare parts indicator
Define User specific settings
Define work center parameter
Define standard value key
Define responsible person for work center
Define control keys for task list
Define task list usage
Define user defined fields
Define PRT control key
Define Serial number profile
Define serialization attributes for movement types
Maintenance Plan and Notification
Define maintenance Planner group
Define Maintenance plan category
Define number range for maintenance plan
Define Maintenance Notification Type
Define screen template for Notification type.
Define field selection for notification type
Assign Notification type to PM order type
Define priorities
Over view of notification type
Plant Maintenance Order
Define order type
Configure number range for order type
Assign order type to maintenance plans
Define default values for planning indicator
Define priorities for order type
Define field selection for order type
Define control key
Define Maintenance Activity Type
Assign PM activity type to order type
Define documentation for Goods Movements
Define checking rule
Define Status profile
Define scheduling type for PM order
Define Attributes for system message
Equipment Calibration
Define QM Plant settings
Define inspection type
Define default values for inspection types
Assign inspection type to order type and many more
Submitted by: Smith

6) How u do the time confirmation for external service e.g.
motor brg. changed ,AMC & service engg.
7) Suppose I want change the counter value in betn suppose
I set 5ooo for target but after enter reading say 3000 , I
want to increase the limit of that counter .So what is std
procedure for that ?
8) What is procedure for order after TECO to time
confirmation .Generally we do first time confirmation then
TECO but what is setting to reverse back in case of wrong
cost feeding.
9) What about class & charteristics is it also the same
thing na.
10) what is cost setting in Maint. order except currency
11) Like sup operation is it possible to enter sub material
12) If I received 2 items fr store ( e.g. Bearing ) against
order & I used only one ,then what is procedure to returned
1 new breaing & used one to store to ensuring that whether
maint person changed or not.
13) Which mtr movement is use internally from one
warehouse to another in one company code.
14) Is it possible to delete the mtr reservation.
Submitted by: Smith

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