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#1 Re: Career Resources » How to overcome with rejection letter » 2016-07-02 06:41:57

At the time of preparing for an interview we never think about rejections and how to deal with it. A better way to handle rejection? Operating with a resilient mindset. Resiliency involves meeting challenges or setbacks with a constructive approach and focusing on the opportunities created when things don’t go as planned.

#2 Re: Interview Etiquette » Etiquettes For Interview » 2016-06-17 10:40:41

Good Post!  These are some amazing  job interview preparation tips especially for freshers. I want  to share some as well:

Arrive 15 minutes early...but no sooner
Make sure your cell phone is off...not on vibrate
Firm handshake
No do overs in first impressions
Avoid wardrobe malfunctions (wear comfortable clothes)
Master the art of meet and greet
Let the company take the lead during your interview
Sit up straight and lean slightly forward

#3 Re: Job Interview Tips » Describe Your Work Ethics? Best Answer » 2016-06-15 12:16:43

Every employer want his employee to leave all his personal problems at home. So, I guess the best answer for this is I'll keep my private life at home and my business life growing as much as possible.

#4 Re: General » Tips, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being Your Own Boss » 2016-06-14 07:00:39

According to me the biggest problem of being your own boss is that starting your  business requires money. Depending on the type of business you want to start, the initial investment may be a small sacrifice or a major investment that requires you to seek out business loans and investors. Whereas, the benefit is that with a successful business your money making potential as the boss is often significantly higher than working for someone else.

#5 Re: General » Difference Between Management and Leadership » 2016-06-10 08:00:31

Simple and informative.... Good post! I read it and I loved it . Keep sharing.

#6 Re: Interview Etiquette » What To Bring To The Job Interview? » 2016-06-09 11:04:12

Handkerchief is must in summers for both female and male candidates.

#7 Re: General » General Job Interview problems » 2016-06-09 11:01:55

I have a problem that sometimes I loose confidence:(

#8 Re: Job Interview Tips » How Did You Improve Your Skills? » 2016-06-08 06:28:24

Good post with some common questions and answers asked during an interview. These common questions are so tricky that candidates most of the times get confused. Thanks for sharing with us.

#9 Re: Job Interview Tips » How to Ace Your Next Interview? » 2016-06-07 07:34:53

Great Post! These are some common yet tricky questions asked at the time of interview. Your post is quite helpful for   job seekers and for the candidates who generally get confused at the time of interview. Thanks for the post... I searched about this and found out that  it's very important to get advices from career consultants that how you should prepare for an interview to generates better results.

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