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#1 2015-04-03 05:51:45

From: Chichawatni
Registered: 2014-10-13
Posts: 8,355

How to overcome with rejection letter

You Got An Interview Rejection Letter.   
How to overcome rejection?

How To Handle a Rejection?

When leaving an interview, we all feel that there is something we may have missed, forgot to highlight, and perhaps we feel that we failed terribly.
The apprehension we feel while waiting for the ultimate yes or no response can bring to focus several ways to improve our interviewing performance.
The best thing to do while in employment limbo is to review items you may need to improve.
It is most important after an interview to note all items you felt were used in your best interest as well as areas you may need to shape.
And yes, you got a post interview rejection letter.
Now what? How should you handle a rejection?

How to Overcome Being Rejected:

Don't Dwell on Rejection:

You have just got a rejection letter, and you want to stick your head in the oven..
First – Cool off and try to look beyond it. You’re not the first to receive these kinds of rejection letters.
Needless to say that, getting a rejection letter is always disappointing.
For most, we have all been through several interviews while searching the career markets. The hardest component of a successful job search is bouncing back from a failed interview.

Even if we feel like we were great at the interview, comfortable, answered all questions appropriately, and made a good impression over all, the rejection of not being chosen, as a prospective employee can be devastating to even the most prepared and proficient candidate.

Robert H. Schuller wrote:

Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure, it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.

How To Overcome?

Reasons For Rejection:

It may be as simple that the employer already had someone else in mind for the position.
This person could be this company employee or may have been referred by a present employee.
It is important for companies to follow protocol, and though you may have been the best choice, you were simply overshadowed by circumstance.

There are several reasons you may rejected, some may be completely out of your range of control.
Therefore, do not dwell on the rejection but try to find out the areas in which you did not succeed.

Turn Rejection into Information:

Some employers will follow the rejection letter with a courtesy call to inform you that you did not make the cut, and it is best to seize this chance to ask why you were not chosen.
Any helpful insight at this point will help in preparing you for the next interview, and possibly leave a good impression with the past prospective employer that you are willing to improve your skills. This tactic may even keep you in their files for future positions. This is why it is also important to remain in interview mode and compose your self in a way that represents “good nature”.

Haven’t received the rejection letter?

If a few days to a week have passed with no phone call then you will have to take that extra step and contact the employer.
This will definitely be a hard step to manage and may take some courage on your part.
Even if you left the interview knowing your mistakes, it is best to have those confirmed so that you do not make the same mistakes again. When making the call, stay pleasant and inform the employer you would simply like to improve your skills, and thank them for their help and time. If you find the employer unresponsive, it is also important not to take that as rejection. There could be several reasons as to why they may not be available to take your call.

Keep Your Chin Up:

Be mindful that today there is an overwhelming amount of prospective employees flooding the job market, and the stakes have risen greatly.
It is just not that there are more people pounding the sidewalks but also less people are making job changes.
Therefore, while there is an increasing rate of persons searching for career opportunities, the job market is shrinking.
Remind yourself that out of a likely figure of hundreds of applicants, you were chosen for an interview.

Failure is the first step towards seccess.

2015-04-03 05:51:45

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Re: How to overcome with rejection letter


#2 2016-07-02 06:41:57

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2016-06-07
Posts: 9

Re: How to overcome with rejection letter

At the time of preparing for an interview we never think about rejections and how to deal with it. A better way to handle rejection? Operating with a resilient mindset. Resiliency involves meeting challenges or setbacks with a constructive approach and focusing on the opportunities created when things don’t go as planned.

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