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#1 2015-04-25 05:59:44

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years time?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years time?"

An Overview:

Have you ever faced such a question in your life? I bet you have. When this question is asked in interviews, it has a different context and specific purpose. This is one of the classic questions asked in many job interviews. It can be asked in job interviews for entry levels up to managerial positions and on many job fields and occupations. Though, the question seems to be vague, it is not a ‘just another job interview question’ but a probe into the candidate’s mindset.

Why Do They Ask This Question?

When asking: “where do you see yourself ten years from now and how do you plan to achieve your goals?” the employer wants to observe many interesting things about you as a candidate – Do you know how to plan ahead? Do you have a clear career plan? Do you have a vision? Are you loyal? Are you reliable? How serious are you about this job and are you focused with your job search?
The answer brings forth the following points to the interviewer:


What is the importance of this job for you? Does this profession fit your main aspirations? Have you applied for the job for the ‘heck of it’ rather for a sound reason?

Career Plan:

Do you have a clear career plan? Perhaps, the job is a ‘stepping stone’ for achieving career dreams and aspirations. What are your expectations from this job?


The interviewer tries to understand your career vision and career aspiration. Who are you and why you’re there?
It is an indirect question to learn more about the interviewee’s psyche in relation to the job being discussed.

An Investment:

Companies want to retain their best employees as these talents are the best investment they can make on the future. Any just-hired employee has a potential to become a talent. The job interview is the first place to verify whether the candidate, if hired, will not leave the company after a short period of time.

Answering the ‘Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?’ question

Here are some pointers:


Try to reflect back to the job, tell how you see yourself in the organization in the long run. Remember that one of the reasons for darting such a question is to judge your broad aspirations in relation to the job – What are your expectations from the job. The interviewer will want to check whether you see this job as an opportunity to hone new skill sets, learn new professional methods and be promoted or it is just a ‘filler’ job to sustain a living.

Do Not Give Fuzzy Answers:

If you are asked this question, you wouldn’t want to give vague answers. Responses such as “I will be the CEO of the company” or “I will be financially secure and a satisfied/content individual” are some of the worst answers any employer would be expecting to hear. Be precise and put forward realistic projections.

Backup Your Answer:

Be confident in backing up your statement. Perhaps, you may validate your statement by putting forward examples of your past achievements. It is even expected that you include in your answer some mile stones from your career road map, such as: development programs, professional courses, managerial positions, new responsibilities etc.

Question: So how do you see yourself in the future, say 10 years from now?

Answer 1:

“10 years from now, I will master my profession within this company because I see this job as an opportunity to become a talent in my field – by enhancing my professionalism while learning new A,B, C skills, interacting with different people and integrating new work methods”.

Answer 2:

“Ten years from now, I will diversify my portfolio in operations management (which as of now includes Linear Programming, Six Sigma etc) and develop an holistic viewpoint towards operations as a process for adapting it to the changing business environment. I definitely see this job and this company as integral parts of my plans for the future. “
These are two examples of good answers to put forward.
In the end, any employer wants to select the best candidate. However, this candidate must have clear thought about his/her career goals and objectives as well as motivation toward the job under question.
From your point of view, as a candidate, every job post can be an opportunity to fulfill overall career expectation. But the employer sees it differently, they must find matching points between “your career plan” and “the job” because choosing you to the job is a sort of integration – you fulfill your goals while performing as an integral part of the organization’s overall mission and vision. Your answer should address this issue.

2015-04-25 05:59:44

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