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#1 2018-07-12 01:32:33

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

70+ Database Developer Interview Questions And Answers

Basic and Advance databases programming Database Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Database Developer interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Database Developer frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews

Please explain what is a NULL value?
Tell us how to Test for NULL Values?
Tell me what are the advantages of Views?
Tell me what is the difference between NULL value, Zero, and Blank space?
Explain me what is the difference between Rename and Alias?
Tell me can a table contain multiple PRIMARY KEY’s?
Tell us what is an Index?
Can you tell me the ACID properties and explain?
Tell us what are the different DML commands in SQL?
Explain me what is Stored procedure?
Tell me how to avoid duplicate records in a query?
Please explain what is DBMS?
Do you know what are the constraints available in SQL?
What are the steps needed to Create the scheduled job?
Please explain what are string functions in SQL?
Tell me what are DMVs?
Explain me what is a column in a Table?
Tell me what are Operators available in SQL?
Tell us what is SQL?
Tell us what is the difference between an inner and outer join?
Tell us what is a Trigger?
Tell me referential integrity and where it can be enforced?
Explain me what is a Primary Key?
Tell us what are the different types of SQL commands?
Tell me why DBAs don’t like cursors?
Explain me what is the difference between Union and Union All command?
Tell me what is a Record in a Database?
Explain me how are transactions used?
Tell me what are the possible values that can be stored in a BOOLEAN data field?
Tell me what is SQL NOT NULL constraint?
Tell us what is a Field in a Database?
Tell us what are Constraints?
Tell me what is Normalization?
Tell us what is a Unique constraint?
Do you know what is a Join?
Do you know what is a Table in a Database?
Tell us what are the different TCL commands in SQL?
Tell us what is a FOREIGN KEY?
Tell me what is the largest value that can be stored in a BYTE data field?
Tell me what is BCP? When is it used?
Can you list the different type of joins?
Tell me when are we going to use truncate and delete?
Explain me the SELECT INTO statement?
Tell me what is a CHECK constraint?
Tell me can a table contain multiple FOREIGN KEY’s?
Tell us what are the different types of joins?
Tell us what is a View?
Tell us what is RDBMS?
Do you know what is the difference between GUI Testing and Database Testing?
Tell me what is an Index?
Explain me what do you mean by data integrity?
Tell me what are the three ways that Dynamic SQL can be executed?
Tell us what is the difference between Having and Where clause?
Tell me which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run?
Tell us what is a DEFAULT constraint?
Tell us what is the difference between UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints?
Explain me what are SQL constraints?
Tell us what is a Subquery?
Tell me what are the different DCL commands in SQL?
Tell me what are the popular Database Management Systems in the IT Industry?
Can you explain me what is a Database?
Tell me what do you mean by ROWID ?
Tell us what do you mean by table and field in SQL?
Tell me what are aggregate functions in SQL?
Tell us what is the difference between Delete, Truncate and Drop command?
Do you know SQL Data Types?
Tell me what is a Composite PRIMARY KEY?
Tell us what is a temp table?
Explain me what are the different DDL commands in SQL?
Please explain what is Database Testing?

Download Database Developer Job Interview Questions And Answers PDF

2018-07-12 01:32:33

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