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#1 2019-03-19 05:04:45
50+ Technical Project Manager Interview Questions And Answers
Management ➔ Technical Project Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers
Technical Project Manager job interview preparation guide for freshers, professionals and experienced candidates. Explore list of Technical Project Manager frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many real job interviews
☆ Can you tell me when do you know the project is off-track?
☆ Tell us how do you control changes to your project?
☆ Explain me how do you go about managing the performance of your team?
☆ Tell me how do you work with customers, sponsors and stakeholders?
☆ Tell us how do you ensure you and your team deliver or exceed customer expectations?
☆ Tell me do you delegate?
☆ Explain me have you managed remote teams and outsourced resources?
☆ Explain me how easily do you delegate responsibility?
☆ Explain me how do you communicate bad news?
☆ Can you explain me what’s your leadership style?
☆ Can you explain me what’s the biggest mistake you’ve made on a project?
☆ Tell us what are your career and project goals for the next six months?
☆ Tell me how do you gain agreement with teams?
☆ Can you explain me how do you deal when you’re overwhelmed or underperforming?
☆ Tell us how do you motivate team members?
☆ Tell us how have you handled disgruntled employees?
☆ Explain me a few examples of a time when you made a tough decision and it backfired?
☆ Tell us what is your delegation style?
☆ Explain me how did your last project end?
☆ Tell us how do you manage team members that are not working to their full potential?
☆ Tell us what, according to you, is an important skill for a project manager to succeed?
☆ Explain me what tools do you use as a manager to plan your activities as well as that of your team?
☆ Please explain how do you set goals for your team? And how do you track these goals?
☆ Tell us what were the communication challenges on your last project?
☆ Explain me if the project is not adhering to schedule, how do you get it back on track?
☆ Top Technical Project Manager Job Interview Questions:
☆ Explain me what are some examples of times you’ve kept your promise even when that might have been difficult?
☆ Please explain what are some of the tools and resources you’ve used to develop your team?
☆ Tell me two areas in your current project where there is a high level of uncertainty. How do you tackle these uncertainties?
☆ Tell me a few examples of proactive decision-making in your past projects and in your life in general?
☆ Explain me where do you see yourself in five years’ time as Technical Project Manager?
☆ Explain me what was a challenging project, and how did you manage it?
☆ Can you tell us do you have budget management experience?
☆ Do you know how tall are the pyramids in Egypt?
☆ Explain me how do you prioritize tasks on a project?
☆ Explain me what are the three key challenges for our industry today and how can these be tackled effectively?
☆ Explain me what’s your preferred project management methodology?
☆ Explain me what’s your ideal project?
☆ Please explain what’s your background, personally and professionally?
☆ Tell me how important is it for a project manager to be ‘proactive’?
☆ Tell us how do you begin a newly assigned project?
☆ Tell me how do you ensure that your project is always on track?
☆ Tell me how do you monitor and review the delegated responsibilities?
☆ Explain me what are some best practices you’ve used to develop excellent customer relationships?
☆ Please explain what is your communication style with your team?
☆ Can you tell us what’s something you don’t want us to know?
☆ Explain what project management software do you prefer?
☆ Explain me do you seek help outside of the project team?
☆ Explain us what’s your communication style?
☆ Tell me have you worked in this industry before?
Download Technical Project Manager Job Interview Questions And Answers PDF
2019-03-19 05:04:45
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