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#1 2019-09-09 05:55:26

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

53+ Gynecologist Interview Questions And Answers

Medical Science Gynecologist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Gynecologist interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Gynecologist frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews

Explain me what Is Ceftriaxone?
Tell me why Doctors Should Learn Communication Skills?
Tell us what Is Terbutaline 10 Mg Nebulised?
Tell me what Are Fibroids?
Suppose a 35 Year Second Gravida With Single Umbilical Artery And Ctev (club Foot)?
Do you know what Is Venous Thrombosis?
Do you know what Is Anti-histone Antibody?
Tell us what is your favorite area of women's healthcare to work in?
Explain me what Is C-reactive Protein?
Tell us can An Ovarian Cyst Be Normal?
Explain me how Communication Skills Help Patient?
Tell me what do you do to stay current with medical findings and practices?
Explain me a situation where you displayed effective communication skills?
Can you explain me what Are The Parameters Of Life-threatening Asthma?
Explain me what Is Bendroflumethiazide?
Can you explain me how Doctor Treat Patients?
Tell us who Is A Specialists Doctor?
Tell me is There An Ovarian Tumor With Hair And Teeth?
If A Patient Have Abnormal Blood On His Underwear How You Deal?
Tell me what Are The Side-effects Of Magnesium Sulphate Therapy?
Tell us how do you balance medical needs and emotional needs?
Explain me have you had experience diagnosing and treating postpartum depression?
Explain me a situation where there was conflict between yourself and another member of a team?
Tell me is There A Screening Test For Ovarian Cancer?
Explain me why Do In Some Cases Patients Feel Chest, Neck And Hands Flush?
Tell me have you ever disagreed with a doctor about a patient’s care plan? What did you do?
Suppose a 14year Old Woman Attends With Her Mother Because She Has Not Started Menstruating. Outline Your Initial Assessment?
Tell us how Would You Assess And Treat A 52 Year Old Woman Who Complains Of Heavy Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding?
Suppose 35 Year Old Woman Is Thought To Have A Vesico-vaginal Fistula. What Are The Main Causes Of Vesico-vaginal Fistulas?
Suppose A 34 Year Old Woman Is Found To Have A Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy At 12 Weeks Gestation In Her First Pregnancy. She Requests Information On The Antenatal Risks To Her And Her Fetuses And Their Management. How Would You Counsel Her?
Suppose a patient has been experiencing abdominal pain after getting a Nexplanon implant. How do you proceed?
Explain a time when you were able to console an emotional patient. How did you do it?
If Patient Have Unbearable Neck To Shoulder Pain Only While On His Period. What Could It Be?
Explain me should I Continue To Have A Pelvic Exam Each Year If I Have Had A Hysterectomy?
If Patient Having Chronic Neck Pain For 4 Days. Medication And Rmt Massage Have Done Nothing, Pain Is 10/10 Now. What Could It Be?
Suppose patient Feeling Randomly Sick With Headaches. What Could It Be?
Tell us you are covering the obstetrics and gynaecology wards one evening and a 35 year old female patient who had a caesarian section 2 days ago is now presenting with severe shortness of breath and chest pain. What is your approach?
Do you know what Is The Most Effective Form Of Birth Control?
Explain me is Irregular Bleeding Common When Starting A New Birth Control Pill?
Please explain what Are The Testing Options Available For Assessing The Risk Of Down’s Syndrome?
If I Am Patient Of Acid Reflux, How Can I Get Rid Off?
Tell me what has been one of the most difficult cases you've worked with?
Tell us what has been your most stressful experience? How did you cope with it?
Explain me a situation where you displayed teamwork?
Suppose A 35 Year Old Woman Has Been Listed For Hysteroscopy. What Are The Indications For Hysteroscopy In A Woman Of This Age?
Explain me is It Possible To Have A Polyp In The Uterus?
Tell us what Medications Are Acceptable During Pregnancy?
Tell us can Medication Is Known To Cause Hypokalaemia?
Do you know what Is Azathioprine?
Please explain have you ever participated in patient education?
Tell us what qualities should a resident medical officer posses? Which ones do you have and which ones do you lack?
Tell us in Scanning Report Of My Wife At Gender Column It Is Written As Iii, What Is The Meaning?
Tell us is Some Bleeding Normal When Starting Hormone Replacement Therapy?

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2019-09-09 05:55:26

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