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#1 2019-09-12 07:46:54
69+ Nephrologist Interview Questions And Answers
Medical Science ➔ Nephrologist Job Interview Questions and Answers
Nephrologist job interview preparation guide for freshers, professionals and experienced candidates. Explore list of Nephrologist frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many real job interviews
☆ Do you know what is cholesterol?
☆ What is Goodpasture syndrome?
☆ What is dry weight?
☆ What is polycystic kidney disorder?
☆ What is creatinine clearance?
☆ What is polycystic (PAHL-ee-SIS-tik) kidney disease (PKD)?
☆ What is glomerulonephritis?
☆ What is hormone?
☆ What is nephrotic syndrome?
☆ What is creatinine (kree-AT-ih-nin)?
☆ What is electrolyte disorders?
☆ Explain me what is Blood Pressure?
☆ What is end-stage renal (REE-nul) disease (ESRD)?
☆ What is interstitial (IN-ter-STISH-ul) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
☆ What is ureteroscope (yoo-REE-tur-uh-scope)?
☆ What is lupus (LOO-pus) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
☆ What is catheter (KATH-eh-ter)?
☆ What is electrolytes (ee-LEK-troh-lites)?
☆ What is Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)?
☆ What is transplant?
☆ What is renal cysts (SISTS)?
☆ What is intravenous (IN-truh-VEE-nus) pyelogram (PY-loh-gram)?
☆ What is hemolytic (HEE-moh-LIT-ik) uremic (yoo-REE-mik) syndrome (SIN-drome) (HUS)?
☆ What is diabetes (dy-uh-BEE-teez)?
☆ What is amyloidosis (AM-ih-loy-DOH-sis)?
☆ What is vascular (VASS-kyoo-lur) access?
☆ What is uremia (yoo-REE-mee-uh)?
☆ What is nuclear (NEW-klee-ur) scan?
☆ What is IgA nephropathy (nef-RAHP-uh-thee)?
☆ What is diabetes (dy-uh-BEE-teez) insipidus (in-SIP-ih-dus)?
☆ What is blood urea (yoo-REE-uh) nitrogen (NY-truh-jen) (BUN)?
☆ What is alport syndrome (AL-port SIN-drome)?
☆ What is hypertension (chronic hypertension)?
☆ What is urinalysis (yoor-in-AL-ih-sis)?
☆ What is renal tubular (TOOB-yoo-lur) acidosis (ASS-ih-DOH-sis)?
☆ What is Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)?
☆ What is glomerulosclerosis (gloh-MEHR-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis)?
☆ What is dialyzer (DY-uh-LY-zur)?
☆ What is analgesic (AN-ul-JEE-zik)-associated kidney disease?
☆ What is renal insufficiency?
☆ What is vesicoureteral (VESS-ih-koh-yoo-REE-ter-ul) reflux?
☆ What is erythropoietin (eh-RITH-roh-POY-uh-tin)?
☆ Who is donor?
☆ What is cystinuria (SIS-tih-NOO-ree-uh)?
☆ What is biopsy (BY-op-see)?
☆ What is albuminuria (AL-byoo-mih-NOO-ree-uh)?
☆ What is diabetic kidney disorder?
☆ What is urine (YOOR-in)?
☆ What is renal osteodystrophy (AH-stee-oh-DIS-truh-fee)?
☆ What is kidney Transplant?
☆ What is kt/V (kay-tee over vee)?
☆ What is kidney?
☆ Tell me what is graft?
☆ What is diuretic?
☆ What is pyelonephritis?
☆ What is amyloidosis?
☆ What is wegener’s granulomatosis (GRAN-yoo-LOH-muh-TOH-sis)?
☆ What is urinary (YOOR-ih-NEHR-ee) tract?
☆ What is urea (yoo-REE-uh)?
☆ What is membrane?
☆ What is immunosuppressant (ih-MYOON-oh-suh-PRESS-unt)?
☆ What is Glomerular (gloh-MEHR-yoo-ler) filtration rate (GFR)?
☆ What is dialysis solution?
☆ What is congenital (kun-JEN-ih-tul) nephrotic (nef-RAH-tik) syndrome?
☆ What is chronic kidney disease?
☆ What is anemia (uh-NEE-mee-uh)?
☆ What is acute tubular (TOO-byoo-lur) necrosis (neh-KRO-sis) (ATN)?
☆ What is kidney disease?
☆ What is kidney failure?
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2019-09-12 07:46:54
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