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#1 2019-10-02 11:34:38
35+ Mobile Application Developer Interview Questions And Answers
Mobile Technologies ➔ Mobile Application Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Mobile Application Developer interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Mobile Application Developer frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews
★ Explain me what kind of smartphone do you use?
★ Explain me do you have any project in development at the moment?
★ Tell me do you do code reviews?
★ Explain me how do you handle security issues?
★ Do you know how to help me make money off my app?
★ Can you please explain me about some of the disadvantages of both Android and iOS?
★ Tell us what size companies have you worked with in the past?
★ Explain me do you have any experience migrating an app from one platform to another?
★ Please explain how can designers leverage audio to enhance user experience?
★ Tell me how will you handle app testing?
★ Explain me do you have experience in building the features I’m looking for?
★ Please explain me what is the best way to improve User Experience (UX) without changing the interface?
★ Tell us how could AR and VR change the future of mobile design?
★ Explain me what is the best search pattern for mobile phones?
★ Tell us how do you decide when to use infinite scroll or pagination?
★ Explain me what is onboarding and why is it so important for mobile design?
★ Tell me do you have a strong understanding of my business and its audience?
★ Tell us what are the main differences between desktop/web app development vs. mobile app development?
★ Tell us how do you deal with input fields on mobile designs? Why are they important, how do they affect the end-result?
★ Please explain when do you choose a hamburger menu and how this is this pattern interpreted by the user?
★ Please explain what is the best practice when it comes to designing icons for a mobile product? Which are better for scanning? What is the difference between a filled or outlined icon?
★ Please explain how will we be working together?
★ Tell us have you participated in the creation of any app that is available in the iTunes or Android stores?
★ Please explain how should one properly design push notifications? Why are they so important?
★ Can you tell us how do you deal with input fields on mobile designs? Why are they important, how do they affect the end-result?
★ Can you explain me what are cards in mobile design? Why are they good and when is the best time to use them?
★ Please explain how does maintenance of the app work?
★ Explain me about design and user experience?
★ Do you know the importance of user interface/user experience (UI/UX) in mobile application development?
★ Tell me are tabs as a pattern good for mobile design? How do they affect an app’s usability?
★ Please explain how can we extend a user interface with pre-built actions from mobile platforms or other devices? For example, how do you design around Apple’s 3D Touch?
★ Explain me what is the difference between native mobile app design and responsive web design? Do we really need both?
★ Explain me will you submit my mobile app to the appropriate app stores, and under which name will it be published?
★ Can you show me some examples of your previous work?
★ Can you name 3 of your favorite mobile apps?
Download Mobile Application Developer Job Interview Questions And Answers PDF
2019-10-02 11:34:38
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