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#1 2017-07-30 07:20:04
Windows NT Quiz Question.
OS (Operating System) Quizzes Windows NT
You need to install network adapters in 20 ISA-bus computers. Which rule must you follow when installing the network adapters?
Option A):
All adapters in a computer, including the network adapter, must be set to the same IRQ
Option B):
All network adapters in all computers on the same network must be set to the same IRQ
Option C):
All network adapters in all computers on the same network must be set to different IRQs
Option D):
All adapters in a computer, including the network adapter, must be set to different IRQs
Correct Answer is Option D):
All adapters in a computer, including the network adapter, must be set to different IRQs
2017-07-30 07:20:04
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