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#1 2017-07-30 07:28:57
Windows NT Quiz Question.
OS (Operating System) Quizzes Windows NT
A company has a department that consists of 15 engineers. The engineers have data that needs to be accessible only to their own team. The department continually has engineers arriving and departing, and it is difficult to identify a single administrator for the department Which model would be the best for this situation?
Option A):
A complete trust mode, with each engineer's computer trusting the other engineer's computers
Option B):
A workgroup mode, with each engineer administering his or her own computer
Option C):
A single domain mode, with all data kept on the controller for the domain
Option D):
A master domain mode, with each engineer trusting the master domain and the data stored on the server
Correct Answer is Option B):
A workgroup mode, with each engineer administering his or her own computer
2017-07-30 07:28:57
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