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#1 2017-08-07 11:24:03
During the Independence Movement, National slogans of Muslims were?
What is What Quizzes Personalities of Pakistan
During the Independence Movement, National slogans of Muslims were?
Option A):
Pakistan Banayen Gay Kufr Ko Mitain Gay
Option B):
Ban Kay Rahay ga Pakistan
Option C):
Pakistan Ka Matlib Kya La Illa’ha Illallaho
Option D):
Pakistan Ka Matlib Kya La Illa’ha Illallaho & Ban Kay Rahay ga Pakistan
Correct Answer is Option D):
Pakistan Ka Matlib Kya La Illa’ha Illallaho & Ban Kay Rahay ga Pakistan
2017-08-07 11:24:03
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Re: During the Independence Movement, National slogans of Muslims were?