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#1 2012-04-02 05:55:15
SeeBeyond Interview Questions And Answers
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) :: SeeBeyond Job Interview Questions and Answers
EAI SeeBeyond job interview preparation guide. Number of SeeBeyond frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many EAI SeeBeyond interviews
1 ► Explain the concept of Webservices. What are all the differenent types of tool that you have worked apart from eGAte?
2 ► What is correlation ID? and what is Transaction?
3 ► What is the format of WSDL file?
4 ► What is marshaling and serialization?
5 ► What is queue and what is topic?
6 ► What is the ticketing tool you are using in your project.How will you solve particular ticket once it is created in your queue?
7 ► How to maintain project documents? What are the tools you are using to maintain the projects documents?
8 ► How to check whether particulare componnents is up and running fine or not in SRE and JCAPS?
9 ► What is the difference between ICAN and Jcaps?
10 ► If there are 10 different files with same format. How many ways required to process this file from source side?
11 ► What are the logging levels in Seebeyond?what are Securities will Seebeyond provoid for Data level?Explain EAI and EDI? what Type of EDI you have Used in Your Project?How You handle Version Control in your project?Explain How You Implemented EAI in your urrent Project?
12 ► what is the difference between file eway and batch eway?What is meant by built and deploy?How to create webservice in seebeyond?What is webservices?
13 ► What is a collaboration?
2012-04-02 05:55:15
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