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#1 2012-04-03 02:51:31
Embryology Interview Questions And Answers
Medical Science :: Embryology Job Interview Questions and Answers
Embryology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Embryology is the study of the development of an embryo. An embryo is defined as any organism in an early stage well before birth or hatching, or in plants, before germination occurs. Learn Embryology basic and advance concepts or get preparation of Embryology Interview Questions and Answers Guide.
1 ► What are the three types of germ layers that form tissues and organs in animals?
2 ► How is the mesoderm (third germ layer) of triploblastic animals formed?
3 ► What are the archenteron and the blastopore? What is the stage of the embryonic development in which these structures are formed? What are the destinations of the archenteron and of the blastopore?
4 ► What is gastrulation? How during gastrulation are the first two germ layers formed? Which are these germ layers?
5 ► After the blastula stage what is the following stage of the embryonic development? How is the passage from blastula to the next stage called?
6 ► After the morula stage what is the next stage? What is the morphological feature that defines that stage?
7 ► What are the cells produced in the first stage of the embryonic development called?
8 ► What is the cell division during the first stage of the embryonic development called? How is this stage characterized?
9 ► What are the four initial stages of the embryonic development?
10 ► What are the animal pole and the vegetal pole of the vertebrate egg?
11 ► What is the function of the vitellus in the vertebrate egg? How are these eggs classified according to the amount of vitellus within them?
12 ► What is the cell division process directly related to the embryonic growth?
13 ► How are animals classified according to the germ layers present in their embryonic development?
14 ► How does the embryo turn from gastrula into neurula? How is the neural tube formed? What is the embryonic origin of the nervous system in vertebrates?
15 ► What is notochord? How is this structure formed?
16 ► What is coelom? To which structures do coeloms give birth? Are all animals coelomate?
17 ► What is the germ layer from which the coeloms originate?
18 ► What are pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum?
19 ► After the neurula stage and from its ventral portion to the dorsal how can the morphology of the embryo be described?
20 ► What are somites?
21 ► What are histogenesis and organogenesis?
22 ► From which germ layer do the epidermis and the nervous system originate? What are other organs and tissues made from that germ layer?
23 ► From which germ layer do blood cells originate? What are other organs and tissues made from that germ layer?
24 ► From which germ layer do the liver and the pancreas originate? What are other organs and tissues made from that germ layer?
25 ► What are twins? Genetically what are the two types of twins that can be generated?
26 ► What is polyembryony?
27 ► What are extra embryonic membranes?
28 ► What are the extra embryonic membranes present in vertebrates?
29 ► Are the extra embryonic membranes the same in all vertebrates?
30 ► How is the yolk sac formed? What is the function of the yolk sac?
31 ► Which is the extra embryonic membrane whose function is to store nitrogen wastes of the embryo? Is this function present in placental mammalian embryos?
32 ► Why can the allantois be considered an adaptation to terrestrial life?
33 ► What is the difference between amnion and chorion?
34 ► Why can the amnion also be considered an adaptation to terrestrial life?
35 ► What is the chorioallantois membrane present in the embryonic development of reptiles and birds? How does this membrane participate in the energetic metabolism of the embryo?
36 ► In which type of animals does the placenta exist? What is its main function?
37 ► What are the main substances transferred from the mother to the fetus through the placenta and from the fetus to the mother?
38 ► Is there exchange of cells between the mother and the fetus through the placenta?
39 ► What are the endocrine functions of the placenta?
40 ► What is the function of the umbilical cord?
2012-04-03 02:51:31
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