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#1 2012-04-03 02:57:22

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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Chemical Engineering Interview Questions And Answers

Engineering :: Chemical Engineering Job Interview Questions and Answers

Chemical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the application of physical science, and life sciences such as biology, microbiology and biochemistry with mathematics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. So learn Chemical Engineering and get preparation for job of Chemical Engineering by Chemical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers.

1 ► What are some common causes of gas pipeline vibration 20 Carbon Steel line?
2 ► While there, are many tests available to detect leaks on vessels, is there a technology available to quantify the leak, or measure the flow through a leak?
3 ► Is there any way to repair a valve that is passing leaking internally without taking our process offline?
4 ► When using a pumping loop to mix two miscible fluids in a tank, when can the content are considered well mixed?
5 ► What are some good uses of low-grade steam at 12 atm and 1920C?
6 ► What is a good way to get started in doing a plant-wide steam consumption analysis?
7 ► Are there any general rules for flushing slurry lines?
8 ► How can you determine the proper pipe thickness for a slurry line?
9 ► What is the best way to handle bend or turns in slurry piping systems?
10 ► How can you prevent bridging in a dilute phase pneumatic conveying system?
11 ► What is some common piping materials used to transport slurries?
12 ► What are some common problems associated with dilute phase pneumatic conveying?
13 ► What are some common problems associated with dense phase pneumatic conveying?
14 ► What is the most common carrier gas used in pneumatic conveying?
15 ► What types of pneumatic conveying systems are typically used?
16 ► What is pneumatic conveying?
17 ► What is the practical particle size limit for pneumatic conveying?
18 ► What can cause bulk solids to stop flowing from a bin?
19 ► What is the most common cause of solid size segregation in bulk solid systems?
20 ► How can one determine the particle size distribution for a given bulk solid?
21 ► What is a "saltation velocity" and how is it used in designing pneumatic conveying systems?
22 ► What are some characteristics of bulk solids that can affect their ability to flow properly?
23 ► After conducting an internet search for ways to reduce energy costs, I found a recipe for whitewashing that is said to reflect sunlight. The recipe calls for 20 pounds hydrated lime to 5 gallons water to 1-quart polyvinyl acetate. What is a good source of polyvinyl acetate that I can buy at a local store?
24 ► We wanted to know how to impart various colors to copper wire by simply dipping them into various chemicals, formulations, etc. This copper wire is to be used by us for our hobby of making various art objects from copper wire.
25 ► What is an effective means of removing silicon from aluminum?
26 ► What does the catalystic converter on an automobile really do?
27 ► What compounds are responsible for the odors that come from wastewater treatment plants?
28 ► What is the average salary for chemical engineers?
29 ► Who built the first production scale PLA (polylactic acid) facility?
30 ► What is the largest application for surfactants?
31 ► How can you separate hydrogen peroxide into hydrogen and oxygen?
32 ► What is the easiest way to extract hydrogen from water and the safest way to store it?
33 ► What is a solvent?
34 ► What are the three classes of organic solvents?
35 ► What is happening when paint dries?
36 ► What is quicklime and what are the uses?
37 ► What are PCBs?
38 ► How can separation of chiral chemicals affect the chemical and/or pharmaceutical industries?
39 ► Can asphalt be recycled to form a useful product?
40 ► What is the easiest way to extract hydrogen from water and the safest way to store it?
41 ► What is a surfactant?
42 ► What is a good source of surfactant information on the internet?
43 ► What is the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)?
44 ► How can metals be removed from aqueous waste streams?
45 ► What are some common precipitating agents used to remove metals from aqueous waste streams?
46 ► What types of metals are typically removed via chemical precipitation?
47 ► How can hexavalent chromium be removed from aqueous waste streams?
48 ► How can arsenic be removed from aqueous waste streams?
49 ► How can I treat a waste stream containing both hexavalent chromium and arsenic?
50 ► How many grams per liter would there be in a 0.35 N (Normality) Citric acid solution?
51 ► What is an additive?
52 ► What chemical is used to expand air bags in such a short amount of time?
53 ► What steps can be taken to avoid stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in steel vessels used for storing anhydrous ammonia?
54 ► How can wet carbon dioxide be responsible for a corrosion problem in iron-containing metals?
55 ► Is it possible to compare the resistance to chloride attack of several materials of construction?
56 ► Why is post-weld heat treatment (stress relieving) sometimes necessary for welded vessels?
57 ► I would like to know how to size a partial combustion reactor processing methane and oxygen, as a function of the flowrate and of the pressure.
58 ► What is the angle of repose and what are its applications in the chemical industry?
59 ► How is waste heat boilers categorized?
60 ► How do you design a vapor-liquid separator or a flash drum?
61 ► How can viscosity affect the design of a mixer?
62 ► What information is needed to specify a mixer?
63 ► Is there any way to slow coke formation in ethylene furnaces?
64 ► What are some typical applications for glass-lined reactors?
65 ► At what temperature is glass fused to steel in the making of glass-lined equipment?
66 ► How are vessel lined with glass or how are they coated?
67 ► Are there any general rules that should be considered when designing a slurry piping system?
68 ► What is the method of determining maximum differential pressure during hydro testing of shell and tube heat exchangers?
69 ► What is a good source of information for the design of pressure vessels?
70 ► How can I evaluate the thermal relief requirements for double block-in of 98% sulfuric acid?
71 ► Are there flow velocity restrictions to avoid static charge build up in pipelines?
72 ► What are some guidelines for sizing a PSV for a fire scenario on a vessel in a refinery service?
73 ► How can one determine if a particular solid can be fluidized as in a fluidized bed?
74 ► How does a tank-blanketing valve operate?
75 ► What is a common failure mechanism for above ground atmospheric storage tanks?
76 ► Are there any methods of preventing cracking of carbon steel welds in refining environments?
77 ► What are some common problems associated with bellow expansion joints?
78 ► What is a good method of analyzing powders for composition?
79 ► What is a common source of error in determining the percent spent caustic in refinery applications?
80 ► What are some common methods for helium leak testing a vacuum system?
81 ► What is a good device to use for obtaining viscosity data for a non-Newtonian fluid?
82 ► What is screen analysis and what are its applications in the chemical industry?
83 ► What is a quick way to calculate frictional pressure drops in carbon steel pipe?
84 ► How can you estimate a gas flow based on two pressure measurements?
85 ► What are the affinity laws associated with dynamics pumps?
86 ► How can you quickly estimate the horsepower of a pump?
87 ► How can you estimate the efficiency of a pump?
88 ► What is the significance of the minimum flow required by a pump?
89 ► How can you determine the largest impeller that a pump can handle?
90 ► What is a good estimate for the absolute roughness for epoxy lined carbon steel pipe?
91 ► What types of valves are recommended for slurry services?
92 ► What is the best way to configure a bypass line in slurry services?
93 ► Should slurry pipes be sloped during horizontal runs?
94 ► What type of flow measurement devices is best for slurries?
95 ► What type of pump may be appropriate for a liquid near saturation, a low flow rate, and very limited NPSHa (net positive suction head available)?
96 ► How can one estimate how the friction factor changes in heat exchanger tubes with a change in temperature?
97 ► What are the advantages and disadvantages of using gear pumps?
98 ► Under what circumstances are vortex flowmeters the most accurate?
99 ► What are some factors to consider when trying choosing between a dry screw compressor and an oil-flooded screw compressor?
100 ► Is there a handy way to determine if a horizontal pipe is running full if the flow rate is known?
101 ► How is plate heat exchangers used in an ammonia refrigeration system?
102 ► Is there a difference in MTD (Mean Temperature Difference) between "E" and "J" (Divided Flow) type shell and tube heat exchangers?
103 ► What is a good method of minimizing shell side pressure drop in a shell and tube exchanger?
104 ► Are there any alternatives to scraping a shell and tube if a capacity increase will make the pressure drop across the exchanger too large?
105 ► Are some heat transfer services more prone to tube vibration that others for a shell and tube exchanger?
106 ► What are some of the consequences of an undersized kettle type reboiler?
107 ► What are some good strategies for curing tube vibration in shell and tube exchangers?
108 ► Is there a quick rule-of-thumb to estimate a gas side heat-transfer rate inside the tubes of a shell and tube heat exchanger?
109 ► What factors go into designing the vapor space of kettle type reboiler?
110 ► What kind of concerns is associated with temperature pinch points in condensers?
111 ► When an expansion is joint needed on the shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger?
112 ► When should one be concerned with the tube wall temperature on the cooling waterside of a shell and tube exchanger?
113 ► Can large temperature differences in vaporizers cause operational problems?
114 ► How can one quickly estimate the additional pressure drop to be introduced with more tube passes?
115 ► What effect does choking a vertical thermosiphon have on the heat transfer rate?
116 ► What is a good relation to use for calculating tube bundle diameters?
117 ► What is a good approximation for the heat transfer coefficient of hydrocarbons inside 3/4" tubes?
118 ► What is some good advice for specifying allowable pressure drops in shell and tube exchangers for heavy hydrocarbons?
119 ► Is it ever advantageous to use shells in series even though it may not be necessary?
120 ► What is the best way to control an oversized, horizontally oriented shell and tube steam heater?
121 ► What is a barometric condenser?
122 ► Why is a vacuum breaker used on shell and tube heat exchangers that are utilizing steam as the heating utility?
123 ► Can condensate control in a reboiler cause water hammer problems?
124 ► What type of heat exchangers are most commonly used for a large-scale plant-cooling loop using seawater as the utility?
125 ► What is condensate lift?
126 ► For a heat exchanger, will the overall heat transfer coefficient increase along with an increase in LMTD (log mean temperature difference) around the unit?
127 ► What factors should be compared when evaluating cooling tower bids?
128 ► What could be a possible cause for sudden foaming in a cooling tower?
129 ► IS there a rule of thumb to estimate the footprint of a cooling tower during design phase?
130 ► When specifying a cooling tower, should I look up historic wet bulb temperatures for my area or should I take measurements?
131 ► What is the definition of "good" cooling tower water?
132 ► What is a good source of equations for calculating discharge flowrates from accidental releases?
133 ► What are some good tank mixing rules of thumb?
134 ► What industries require filtered compressed air?
135 ► We have some pieces of metals that have been "powder coated", how does that work?
136 ► How can you control the pH level in our cooling water with respect to ammonia contamination?
137 ► What is a good method of steam tracing large vessels?
138 ► Is it advisable to cool a fin fan by spraying demineralized water on it?
139 ► What are some guidelines for designing for liquid and gas velocities in process plant piping?
140 ► How can you keep our seawater used for heat rejection clean before entering our heat exchangers?
141 ► How instrument air is continually supplied in process plant?
142 ► What is the maximum recommend pipe velocity for dry and wet gases?
143 ► What is the maximum recommended velocity for steam in a plant pipe network?
144 ► What is the difference between CFM (cubic feet per minute) and SCFM (standard cubic feet per minute)?
145 ► How much water is lost through a commercial cooling tower system with a throughput of about 600 GPM?
146 ► What are some common causes of control valve noise?
147 ► Are there any special considerations to be taken into account for combusting ammonia?
148 ► What are flameless oxidizers?
149 ► What particle sizes are electrostatic precipitators used to remove?
150 ► Is there any way to remove residual product left in pipes after a batch operation?

2012-04-03 02:57:22

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