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#1 2012-04-03 03:30:49
Oracle AR Interview Questions And Answers
Oracle Database :: Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) Job Interview Questions and Answers
Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) Interview Questions and Answers will guide us about the Oracle Financials, eBusiness, Collections process in Oracle (AR) accounts receivable and AR Training and make you ready for job and interview of Oracle AR, so learn about the Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) with the help of this Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) Interview Questions with Answers guide
1 ► How is the balance of an invoice derived?
2 ► What is MRC and what is its use?
3 ► Describe the main tables involved in AR, and what is the data stored in them?
4 ► What is the importance of Batch Source set up in AR?
5 ► What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables?
6 ► What is the difference between _all, _tl, _vl, _v tables in Oracle Apps?
7 ► How many Flex fields are there in AR and what are they?
8 ► What is FSG and what is its use?
9 ► What is the difference between conversions and interfaces?
10 ► How many reporting currencies can be attached to Primary Set of Books?
11 ► What are Different types of transactions in AR?
12 ► What are value sets?
13 ► What is the use of Transaction Flexfield in Autoinvoice?
14 ► Explain Accounting for invoice in Advance and Arrears?
2012-04-03 03:30:49
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