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#1 2012-04-03 03:31:48

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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Test Director Interview Questions And Answers

Testing Model :: Test Director Job Interview Questions and Answers

Test Director Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Test Director is a test management tool produced by Mercury Interactive. Its four modules, Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab and Defects Manager are integrated to enable information to flow smoothly between different stages of the testing process, so learn Test Director and get job in Test Director with the help of this Test Director Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► What is Test Director?
2 ► How do we import testcases written in Excel to Test Director?
3 ► Can you retrieve a test case once you have deleted them in Test Director?
4 ► How to use TestDirect like a Dashboard?
5 ► After creating the test cases in excel and exported to TD. How does test director know the headings?
6 ► What do you call the window testdirector testlab?
7 ► What is Quality Center( Test Director)?
8 ► Is there any possibility to restrict duplication of defects being created in TD?
9 ► How you integrated your automated scripts with TestDirector?
10 ► What is the use of TestDirector software?
11 ► Can we add user defined fields to Test Director?
12 ► TD (Quality Center 9.0) how can you run automated test cases?
13 ► What are the various types of reports in TestDirector?
14 ► Can you please explain the procedure of connecting TestDirector in QTP?
15 ► Is it necessary to learn Test Director for beginners?
16 ► Can we export the files from Test director to Excel Sheet? If yes then how?
17 ► How do I run reports from Test Director?
18 ► Can we map the Defects directly to the requirements (not thru the test cases) in the Test Director?
19 ► What is the use of Test Lab in Test director?
20 ► How do we attach Excel sheet with test director?
21 ► How many tabs in TestDirector and explain them?
22 ► How to customize the reports generated?
23 ► How can we export multiple test cases from TD in a single go?
24 ► How can we create our own Defect Template from Test Director? Is it possible in Test Director?
25 ► Can we upload test cases from an excel sheet into Test Director?
26 ► How to generate the graphs in Test Director?
27 ► What does Test Grid contains?
28 ► How to use TestDirector in real time projects?
29 ► How can we add requirements to test cases in Test Director?
30 ► How to map requirements with testcases in TestDirector?
31 ► How to add Test ID to TestPlan?
32 ► How will you generate the defect ID in test director? Is it generated automatically or not?
33 ► Difference between WinRunner and Test Director?
34 ► How many types of reports can be generated using TestDirector?
35 ► How do you ensure that there are no duplication of bugs in Test Director?
36 ► What are the 3 views and what is the purpose of each view?
37 ► What is the main purpose of storing requirements in Test Director?
38 ► What is the difference between Master test plan and test plan?

2012-04-03 03:31:48

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