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#1 2012-04-03 04:10:37

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

CIVIL Services Interview Questions And Answers

Other Professions :: CIVIL Services Job Interview Questions and Answers

CIVIL Services Interview questions and answers will make you able to ANALYZE vast amounts of information to prepare briefs for ministers and have excellent communication skills to WRITE drafts of government White Papers They work in teams and therefore need to CO-OPERATE with many other people They have to make difficult DECISIONS such as which route a new road should take, they may have to PERSUADE others to their point of view and PLAN meetings for government ministers.

1 ► How did you find the Qualifying Test? Any particularly tough sections?
2 ► Tell me something interesting about yourself?
3 ► Why are you interested in your first choice department?
4 ► Why are you also considering the ____ department as your second choice?
5 ► You say in your notes (provided at the selection board) that you firmly believe in, for example, the concept of open government. Tell me more about this.
6 ► What is your experience so far of the public sector?
7 ► Why does working in the public sector attract you?
8 ► What advantages or disadvantages can you see arising from a job at the heart of government?
9 ► Which government minister of recent years do you feel best achieved his/her remit?
10 ► To whom, in your opinion, should public servants be directly responsible?
11 ► Do you foresee any circumstances where there might be a conflict between your own beliefs and opinions and the policies or practices of the department in which you will work?
12 ► Which piece of bad publicity do you feel the government could have avoided in recent years?
13 ► Explain what you will bring to the fast stream should you be successful?
14 ► What would your present employer say about your suitability for the Civil Service?
15 ► Where, in government, do you hope to be in fifteen years time?
16 ► Some questions are asked in order to determine your ability to argue a particular case, both for and against in some cases. Here are some questions which can arise:

2012-04-03 04:10:37

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