Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Top Retail Store Manager Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell us how would you handle ABC?

It's important to ask a prospect how they would handle a difficult situation that you've seen take place on your sales floor. You shouldn't expect them to come fully trained in your procedures, of course, but at the end of the day the judgement required to navigate through a tricky situation is very important, and tough to train for.

Additionally, creating a situation for them allows you to see how their problem-solving skills work on the fly. Retail selling is all about improvisation. If your prospect can't come up with a good solution in the moment, they likely never will be able to.

2. Tell us what are your greatest weaknesses?

I am workaholic and I involve myself so much into the work so much that I forget what time of the day it is.

Earlier I used to hesitate a lot while dealing with customers or speaking with large group of people but gradually I worked on these issues and have started to overcome these limitations

3. Explain me your working hours in your previous position?

Most retail positions require flexibility with regard to working hours. It is important to assure the interviewer that you are able to accommodate different schedules. Give examples of how you have been able to meet the demands of a typical retail schedule in the past. If this is your first job in retail sales make sure your answer emphasizes that you do not have schedule restrictions.

4. Tell me what do you feel is the key role of a retail manager?

This question is asked to determine whether you have an understanding of what a retail manager's position is. Use this opportunity to speak about the retail management business and what you think would be your responsibilities would be. Read up about the position! Once the interviewer is convinced that you understand the role of a retail manager, your chances of being hired are good.

Some duties and qualities required of the retail manager are:
☛ Team leadership and team development abilities.
☛ Managing the hiring process: HR activities and employee training.
☛ Workplace scheduling – Day to day operations.
☛ Problem solving skills – Communications skills.
☛ Sales management.
☛ Product and project management – Professional qualities and prioritization.

5. Explain me where do you see yourself three years from now?

I am keen to grow within this industry as I like Retail Industry. Therefore, in 3 years from now, I envisage myself playing a bigger and more responsible role for my employers.

For example, I want to use my customer service and team building skills so that I can handle a larger team (or more than one team) and manage multiple stores. In terms of position, I have a goal to be Area Operations Manager where I am also and giving my team product knowledge and guiding Store Mangers on day to day basis to perform better.

6. Tell me have you personally shopped here before? Why or why not?

You might think it is best to answer this interview question with a “yes.” After all, the best types of retail store employees are those who take pride in their company and actual shop with them. However, don't outright lie to suck up. Once again, this is your chance to shine. Provide honest feedback if you don't shop there (why not and what would change your shopping habits). If you are an avid shopper, state why (whether it be the friendly staff, the quality products, or the good prices).

7. Explain me what are your Greatest Strengths?

I have good communication skills and can work with different types of people of varying personality and skills.

I have a solid background in store operations with great problem solving abilities and team handling

My work experience as the Asst. Retail Store Manager has taught me skills like Time Management and Team Management which are required for this position.

Besides, I have good Selling Skills and Leadership Ability.

8. Explain me a time when you had to handle a difficult customer?

The interviewer wants you to provide an example of how you dealt with a demanding customer in the past.

You need to give a clear description of a specific situation when you did this. Describe the circumstances, the actions you took and the outcome. Similar behavioral questions that often come up in a retail job interview include:

Give me an example of when you went the extra mile for a customer.

Tell me about an improvement that you made to the customer service process.

Describe a situation in which you had to remain calm under great provocation from a customer.

9. Tell me how would you handle a problem employee, such as someone who consistently arrives late to work?

The answer to this question might seem a little bit tricky. After all, a good company does not want an employee who wastes company time and money on their payroll. However, an answer such as “terminate them immediately” might be jumping the gun too fast. One of the best answers for retail management interview questions along this line is an answer that involves checking their work history, providing a clear and simple reminder, and then possibly termination if an improvement was not made in a timely matter.

10. Tell me how would you handle an employee struggling to meet sales goals?

As a manager you are responsible for the overall success of your store, so being able to motivate and assist other employees is a critical function. In answering this question, you will want to share a step-by-step process that you would follow when evaluating then assisting an employee to bring them up to par. This is also a great time to highlight your knowledge of effective sales techniques and your ability to teach them to others. Support your answer with a strong example of how you have assisted employees in the past with meeting company goals, even if you were not in a management position.

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