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Behavioral Biztalk Xslt Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me is there an error handling functionality to handle error on pipelines?

Yes. Error-handling functionality called error reporting which enables handling pipeline errors. Error reporting is specified on receive and send ports within the BizTalk Administration console.

2. Explain me what is the difference between a delay shape vs a listen shape?

A ‘Delay' is very much similar to a sleep on the current thread. A ‘Listen' shape is used to wait for an incoming resource, with a timeout period.

3. Do you know how to traverse through the repeating node the input file?

The XSL <xsl:for-each> element can be used to select every XML element of a specified node-set.

4. Tell us when you use Call Orchestration shape vs Start Orchestration shape?

A Call Orchestration returns the control back to the caller. A Start Orchestration shape starts the orchestration in a non-deterministic way.

5. Please explain what is binding files?

Binding files in BizTalk is an XML file that contains information of receive send ports there locations. It is usually used when you make a deployment. We make MSI separately without bindings.

6. Tell me can I use Custom XSLT inside a BizTalk mapper?

Yes, by making use of the scripting functoid.

7. What is retry?

A boolean value which specifies that the atomic transaction can be retried in the event of a failure. Perform the following for Retry-”throw an instance of Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.RetryTransactionException” within the transaction boundary.

8. Tell me is it possible to use the method from an assembly available in GAC?

It can be done using <msxsl:assembly> element and it has to be child of <msxsl:script>element.

9. Do you know what is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) provides services to store and transmit encrypted user credentials across local and network boundaries, including domain boundaries. SSO stores the credentials in the SSO database. Because SSO provides a generic single sign-on solution, middleware applications and custom adapters can leverage SSO to securely store and transmit user credentials across the environment. End users do not have to remember different credentials for different applications.

10. Tell us is it possible to exclude xml declaration <?xml...?> in the ouptut file?

Yes. To exclude xml declaration, the attribute "omit-xml-declaration" is to be set as "yes."

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