Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Canadian Visa Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Can you explain if the person dont have funds so he is not go to Canada on work permit?

noo its not posible but if u got job offer frm canadian
company .thy can tak ur responsibility carefuly how
too get canada work permit visa ....

* a job offer from a Canadian employer
* a completed application, that shows that you meet the
requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and
* written confirmation from Human Resources and Skills
Development Canada (HRSDC) that the employer can hire a
foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called
a positive labour market opinion.
o In most cases, it is up to your employer to get
that written confirmation. Information on the labour market
opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on
the right-hand side of this page.
o In some cases, you do not need a labour market
opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour
market opinion.)

You must also do the following:

* Satisfy a visa officer that you will leave Canada at
the end of your work permit.
* Show that you have enough money to support yourself
and your family while you are in Canada.
* Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may
have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Police
Certificates for more information.
* Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.
* Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical

2. Whats the difference you can make by doing your MS in Canada?

You get better opportunities once you do your MS. Show
foreign companies coming to India investing in your field.
State some technical words expressing the advancements in
your field.

Most of the Universities in Canada are going in parallel
with the latest technologies. Educating myself in those
technologies will provide me the necessary skill-set to
start up something of my own in future.

3. What is the location of your university?

You should do some research on your university before
visa interview. You should know its exact location and the
location of different campus as well (if any). Location
might be one of the reasons that you selected this
particular university, so make sure that you know its exact

4. Do you have enough funds while you are there?

You should be confident and say yes. Visa Officer wants
to know if you have enough funds to meet your educational


5. Do you plan to work there?

Visa Officer wants to know your intentions. You should
answer in such a way that Visa Officer is convinced that you
are financially strong and plan to return to your home
country after completing your studies.

6. What are your future plans? Do you intend to stay in Canada?

Your answers should reflect clarity of thought, clarity
of your intentions and strong ties to your home country.

I am sure the recent growth of Indian economy will open many
avenues for me to start my company back in India. After
acquainting with latest technologies in Canada, I look
forward to start my company here in India.

7. Did you get in touch with any professors in this University?

Before going for visa interview, you should contact
professors in your department. VO wants to know how sincere
you are for doing graduation from your chosen university.

Yes, I exchanged some emails with Prof XYZ. With the area of
his research and the interest I have in that particular
subject, I guess I can be good research assistant under him.
It is always advisable to carry the printouts of the emails
with you.

8. Mention some professors name?

Do research the university and find out specifically
the professors in your department before going for visa

9. Can you show me your degree?

Handover the degree confidently and look at the visa
officer. If asked only for a degree, do not show the mark
sheets of each semester.

10. What is your undergraduate GPA?

You should convert your percentage in GPA and remember
it exactly.

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