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Operational Corba Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain the reason to implement a corba application with multi-threading?

CORBA server applications may be multi-threaded for serveral reasons.
A particular CORBA object may support an operation whose implementation performs some blocking routine. This may be a disk read or database query. Let us assume that the server application processes all CORBA events within a single main thread. This means that the server will be unable to respond to incoming connection requests or invocation requests while the blocking operation is in progress. Multi-threading can be used to avoid these sorts of situations. The server can be more accessible if multiple threads are allowed to process (an block during) incoming CORBA events.
A single multi-threaded server process supporting many (>25) clients is much more efficient that many (>25) single-threaded server processes each supporting its own client. Running a single application with multiple threads requires less machine resources than running multiple applications. This advantage can be seen even if the operation invocations are of short duration and non-blocking.

2. Explain Does Corba supports asynchronous communication?

Kind of. At the lowest level CORBA supports two modes of communication:
A synchronous request/response which allows an application to make a request to some CORBA object and then wait for a response.
A deferred synchronous request/response which allows an application to make a request to some CORBA object. An empty result will be returned immediately to the application. It can then perform other operations and later poll the ORB to see if the result has been made available.
At the lowest level, the CORBA deferred synchronous communication does allow a certain degree of asynchronous communication. Polling for responses represents only one form of asynchronous communication. Other more sophisticated asynchronous communication can only be achieved by developing an architecture on top of the lowest levels of CORBA.

3. Explain Can Corba application have call back?

Yes. The words client and server are really only applicable in the context of a remote call. In other words, the client process can also receive calls on CORBA objects that it implements and hands out the references to.

4. Explain some reason to avoid the development of multi-threaded Corba application?

Building multi-threaded applications requires an additional efforts in the area of design, development and testing. Issues like concurrency and synchronization become more critical. Difficult to find software bugs are unfortunately easy to introduce. A specific set of application requirements can often be met without resorting to the use of threaded clients or servers. This is not true with all applications. Some do require multi-threading to achieve their desired level of concurrency, performance or scalability.

5. Explain What is CORBA good for?

CORBA is useful in many situations. Because of the easy way that CORBA integrates machines from so many vendors, with sizes ranging from mainframes through minis and desktops to hand-helds and embedded systems, it is the middleware of choice for large (and even not-so-large) enterprises. One of its most important, as well most frequent, uses is in servers that must handle large number of clients, at high hit rates, with high reliability. CORBA works behind the scenes in the computer rooms of many of the world's largest websites; ones that you probably use every day. Specializations for scalability and fault-tolerance support these systems. But it's not used just for large applications; specialized versions of CORBA run real-time systems, and small embedded systems.

6. Explain Can Corba allow servers to cause client side events or notifications?

CORBA communication is inherently asymmetric. Request messages originate from clients and responses originate from servers. The important thing to realize is that a CORBA server is a CORBA object and a CORBA client is a CORBA stub. A client application might use object references to request remote service, but the client application might also implement CORBA objects and be capable of servicing incoming requests. Along the same lines, a server process that implements CORBA objects might have several object references that it uses to make requests to other CORBA objects. Those CORBA objects might reside in client applications. By implementing a CORBA object within an client application, any process that obtains its object reference can ?notify? it by performing an operation on the client-located object.

7. Give us high-level technical overview of Corba?

CORBA applications are composed of objects, individual units of running software that combine functionality and data, and that frequently (but not always) represent something in the real world. Typically, there are many instances of an object of a single type - for example, an e-commerce website would have many shopping cart object instances, all identical in functionality but differing in that each is assigned to a different customer, and contains data representing the merchandise that its particular customer has selected. For other types, there may be only one instance. When a legacy application, such as an accounting system, is wrapped in code with CORBA interfaces and opened up to clients on the network, there is usually only one instance.
For each object type, such as the shopping cart that we just mentioned, you define an interface in OMG IDL. The interface is the syntax part of the contract that the server object offers to the clients that invoke it. Any client that wants to invoke an operation on the object must use this IDL interface to specify the operation it wants to perform, and to marshal the arguments that it sends. When the invocation reaches the target object, the same interface definition is used there to unmarshal the arguments so that the object can perform the requested operation with them. The interface definition is then used to marshal the results for their trip back, and to unmarshal them when they reach their destination.
The IDL interface definition is independent of programming language, but maps to all of the popular programming languages via OMG standards: OMG has standardized mappings from IDL to C, C++, Java, COBOL, Smalltalk, Ada, Lisp, Python, and IDLscript.
For more on OMG IDL, click here.
This separation of interface from implementation, enabled by OMG IDL, is the essence of CORBA - how it enables interoperability, with all of the transparencies we've claimed. The interface to each object is defined very strictly. In contrast, the implementation of an object - its running code, and its data - is hidden from the rest of the system (that is, encapsulated) behind a boundary that the client may not cross. Clients access objects only through their advertised interface, invoking only those operations that that the object exposes through its IDL interface, with only those parameters (input and output) that are included in the invocation.
Request flow
Figure 1 shows how everything fits together, at least within a single process: You compile your IDL into client stubs and object skeletons, and write your object (shown on the right) and a client for it (on the left). Stubs and skeletons serve as proxies for clients and servers, respectively. Because IDL defines interfaces so strictly, the stub on the client side has no trouble meshing perfectly with the skeleton on the server side, even if the two are compiled into different programming languages, or even running on different ORBs from different vendors.
In CORBA, every object instance has its own unique object reference, an identifying electronic token. Clients use the object references to direct their invocations, identifying to the ORB the exact instance they want to invoke (Ensuring, for example, that the books you select go into your own shopping cart, and not into your neighbor's.) The client acts as if it's invoking an operation on the object instance, but it's actually invoking on the IDL stub which acts as a proxy. Passing through the stub on the client side, the invocation continues through the ORB (Object Request Broker), and the skeleton on the implementation side, to get to the object where it is executed.

8. What is CORBA? What does it do?

CORBA is the acronym for Common Object Request Broker Architecture, OMG's open, vendor-independent architecture and infrastructure that computer applications use to work together over networks. Using the standard protocol IIOP, a CORBA-based program from any vendor, on almost any computer, operating system, programming language, and network, can interoperate with a CORBA-based program from the same or another vendor, on almost any other computer, operating system, programming language, and network.

9. Tell me Can Corba application be multi-threaded?

The CORBA specification does not currently address multi-threaded architectures. Provided that the CORBA product is thread safe, threaded CORBA applications can be developed. CORBA clients and servers can both be multi-threaded. Daemon processes provided with CORBA products may be implemented as multi-threaded servers by the CORBA vendor. Different multi-threaded models or multi-threaded architectures may be supported by a particular CORBA product. A particular ORB may provide frameworks to simplify the development of multi-threaded CORBA applications.

10. Explain Do different Corba implementations perform at significantly different levels?

Different CORBA implementations can vary significantly in performance. Good implementations should be fairly similar since network performance defines the maximum achievable performance characteristics. Network latency does represent the significant portion of distributed invocation latency.

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