Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Dance Artist Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what's your average bedtime?

I try to go to bed by eleven. But on performance day I'm lucky if I am in bed by one because by the time you get out, home, shower, have dinner… but at least then we get to sleep in the next day.

2. Tell me what's your favorite non-dance activity or hobby?

I love to cook! My signature dish would be homemade meatballs and I also like to do lemon and oregano chicken. And I always bake cookies and banana bread.

3. Tell me what is your breakfast of choice?

I pretty much have the same thing everyday, I have porridge and a banana, plus I drink an espresso.

4. Tell me what is your favorite book?

Growing up I really loved The Catcher in the Rye but my all-time favorite is Gelsey Kirkland's Dancing on My Grave.

5. Do you know how long do pointe shoes last?

The life of the pointe shoe depends on the dancer's individual feet and what they are dancing at the time the shoe is worn. Most ballerinas go through a pair of pointe shoes in one performance; sometimes more.

6. Tell me what do dancers eat?

Dancers eat just about anything. They do not all survive on carrot sticks and celery. Dancers must eat a good balanced diet that provides plenty of oomph in order to maintain the level of energy needed to exert their bodies during demanding physical rehearsals and performances. And yes, you may occasionally see a dancer in line at Jake's for a double dip chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone.

8. Explain me what gives you inspiration?

A lot of the music that we dance to gives me inspiration. Classical music in general. Mozart is my absolute favorite.

9. Tell me what do dancers do when they aren't on stage?

A typical day of work for a dancer starts early with an hour and half class to warm up and refine their technique. Class is followed by four to six hours of rehearsals, sometimes followed by an evening performance.

10. Tell me how long is a dancer's career?

A dancer's career can usually last until his/her early to late 30s, sometimes a few years more. The length of a dancer's career is very similar to any other professional athlete, depending on the dancer's individual body and avoidance of injuries. After retiring from the stage, dancers can continue a career as a ballet mistress or master, choreographer, or instructor, or choose a different career altogether. Many dancers today are getting degrees through universities with programs that are tailored around a dancer's vigorous schedule.

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