Essential Database Errors Interview Questions & Answers:
1. How to Select 38th row details in table without using rownum?
Select * from Table_name
where rownum < 39
Select * From Table_name
Where rownum < 38;
2. Display details of employees who are senior to there own manager?
select e.ename,e.hiredate,m.ename,m.hiredate from emp e,emp m
where e.mgr=m.empno
and e.hiredate<m.hiredate
3. How to resolve the sqlcode -501 error in db2?
This is due to the cursor declaration in which the application program has attempted to fetch some data's into a cursor that was neither declared nor opened. So, Always follow DECLARE,OPEN,FETCH,CLOSE while working with cursors.
just wait for a few seconds and then try
Database initializing or shutdown in process
ClassNotFoundException is the checked exception so we must handle that one or we can declare as throws keyword.
class EmployeeDao{
public static void main(String args[0]throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
6. TNS-00204: Started tracing in intlsnr
Cause: Internal message- Successfully started tracing
Action: None.
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7. TNS-00205: Turning off tracing in intlsnr
Cause: Internal message - Turned off tracing in the
Interchange listener.
Action: None
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8. TNS-00206: Status Information for Interchange string:
Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status
Action: None
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9. TNS-00207: Uptime : number days number hr. number min.
number sec
Cause: Part of status request.
Action: None
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10. TNS-00208: Logging : string
Cause: Part of status request.
Action: None
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