Operational Family Lawyer Interview Questions & Answers:
1. Why did you leave your last position as Family Lawyer?
The last position I had to leave because it was a co op and they didn't have a job opening at the time. The position I haven't left but was looking for different work so I could learn new skills and move on and up as I can't in this current position.
2. Tell me how has your college degree prepared you to work in this firm?
It has prepared me to work in this firm because I know the high importantance every client is, accurate and no errors are a. P must and I know the legal terminology.
3. Explain me why do you want to work at this law firm?
Firms are looking for people with an interest in their firm and an enthusiasm for the work that they do. This is the opportunity to demonstrate that you've done your homework about the firm and know why you want to be there.
4. Tell me what skills/experiences can you bring to the firm?
We all know you have plenty of awesome skills and great experiences, but consider the attributes the firm would most want in a clerk, and share only the skills and experiences that are the most relevant.
5. Tell us what type of work environment would allow you do to your best work?
I feel one where the workload is not TOO much but not enough. Say I have 12 things due in the next 2, I will still do my best but I can do my best work when say I have around 6-7 due so I can reAlly focus.
6. Tell us what areas of law are you interested in?
Hopefully the areas of law you're interested in fall within practice groups offered at the firm. It is probably a good idea to focus this discussion on a practice group or groups that fall within the clerkship rotations on offer.
7. Explain me which subjects have you enjoyed the most?
Firms are hoping to see that your interests correlate with their practice areas. A question like this is also an opportunity to explain that rogue pass mark from second year.
8. Tell us have you ever taught a family law legal seminar?
Lawyers who are experts in their field often teach legal courses and seminars regarding various topics of family law. Typically, top-notch attorneys are involved with teaching continuing legal education seminars.
9. Tell me how do you check your work for accuracy?
I triple read everything and, if I can, I will have someone else read it over. If I need to know spellings or layouts of anything, I'll go to a credible source and check my work against that example.
10. Explain me about a time you had to handle a difficult client?
A client came into the office threatening the receptionist and being very rude and abusive about the progress of his case. I intercede and assertained why he was upset and explained the process to him as best I could. I understand that most individuals understand how the legal process works.