Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Funeral Director Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Are you able to empathize with grieving people?

Yes, very much so. I feel I would be able to help them take some of the heaviness off their heart and soul and carry them forward with their memories.

2. Why did you choose to become a Funeral Attendant?

I feel I have been chosen to do this work. To give back, to help others and to share and be supportive to others during their struggles with loss and honouring the life of their loved ones.

3. Have you ever dealt with grieving people?

Yes i have dealt with my own family greiving and i have dealt with customers from the bank who have lose a loved one.

4. Do you know What Alternatives Are Available for Disposing of the Body?

A reputable funeral director will mention not only the most common types of final arrangements, such as embalming and a traditional earth burial, but will also be willing to discuss other possible options, such as cremation, above-ground burial in a mausoleum, or donating the body to a medical school or clinic as an anatomical gift.

5. How Long Have You Been in Business?

There are, of course, many businesses that offer stellar services from the day they open their doors -- and some that manage to operate for years despite shoddy service records. But a funeral home that's been in business for a long time is usually more apt to provide dependable service, along with a list of clients you might consult if inclined.

6. How do you handle stressful situations as Funeral Director?

I remain composed, even if i do not feel composed, I deal with the situation in a cool calm and collected manner.

7. What is Included in a Charge for a Cash Advance?

Some providers also charge to cover amounts paid up front for funeral goods and services purchased from outside vendors and providers. These include charges for incidentals such as flowers, obituary notices, and an honorarium for the officiating clergy. Bear in mind that these costs are optional and may be negotiable. For example, if you or another person is willing to write and place an obituary, you can save on this cost.

8. Suppose I am interested in a "green" burial. No embalming, no vault, burial within 24-48 hours, biodegradable casket. Can this sort of burial be pre-planned so I wishes will be granted and no fussing within the family?

There has been more interest in that sort of disposition recently. I have read a couple of articles about the practice of green burial, but I'm not aware of any public cemeteries offering that option in the Triangle region.

Because no casket will withstand the weight of the soil, most traditional cemeteries require an outer burial container. It is both a matter of surface maintenance and a concern should there be a disinterment requested at some future date. However it does not have to be a protective vault. A two piece concrete grave liner meets the cemetery requirement.

I believe the Jewish tradition follows the idea of green burial in that it is held that the body should return to the earth in a natural progression; neither retarded by preservation nor sped up by cremation. Embalming is not required in most cases. But without embalming, the funeral director can refuse to offer public viewing.

Wood is of course biodegradable and there are many choices of wood caskets. Jewish caskets are meant to be of simple design and are made without any metal fasteners. A green cemetery may offer other options.

You do need to be aware however that there will be someone who will have the ultimate legal authority to determine the disposition of your body upon your death. That person (or people) would normally be your next of kin. So once again, you should talk with your family about your wishes.

9. What Are the Basic Costs Involved?

Some people are uncomfortable bargaining or comparison-shopping when it comes to funeral goods and services. But there may be a lot of money at stake. Ironically, dying is one of life's most costly expenses -- third in line after a house and a car, for most people.

The Funeral Rule, the federal law that regulates funeral services and purchases, allows providers to charge a basic fee for overhead and services common to most arrangements. The basic services fee commonly includes these items:

☛ Funeral planning
☛ Securing the necessary permits and copies of death certificates
☛ Preparing the death notice
☛ Storing the body
☛ Coordinating arrangements with a cemetery, crematory, or other providers

While you can't decline to pay the basic fee, you should be aware of exactly what services are included in it.

10. Tell me what type of personal protective equipment is worn by morticians to prevent exposure to unknown infectious agents that the deceased may have in their body fluids or tissues?

If you've seen a surgeon ready to do his or her job, you can imagine that an embalmer looks the same. Embalmers practice universal precautions when working in the preparation room. This includes wearing gloves, mask, gown, and eye protection.

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