Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Fresh Graphic Designer Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what experience do you have in designing for the web?

I have developed several web banners and landing pages for my previous employers. Details are enclosed in my portfolio for your view.

2. Explain me what makes you an asset to our company?

This is the chance for your sales pitch. Tell the interviewer how awesome you are and why your skills are a great fit for the company.

3. Do you know where you see yourself in 5 years?

The answer will vary for each person. Some people will want to be experts in what they do, while others may see themselves in a more of a management role. Think about what you want for yourself, and confidently answer this question.

4. Tell me what types of designing projects are you most interested in?

I like designing websites and advertisements as I believe my expertise lies here. However, I am also quite interested in mobile application designing which I would like to explore now.

5. Explain me how do you handle pressure and multiple deadlines?

More often than not, you'll be working on multiple projects with deadlines that may overlap. This is an excellent opportunity to show off your project management and task prioritization skills.

6. Explain me what is your biggest design career moment?

From awards, to happy clients, consumers, engaged public, social movement, and tangible results in skyrocketing numbers and profits, we want to hear it all.

How did it start, what happened, and why did you succeed?

7. Tell me what is your biggest design challenge?

If you were confronted by a tough challenge, we want to hear about it. Why was it the biggest challenge in your career? What happened, what did you do to overcome it, what tools and processes were employed?

Most design work goes unseen and behind the curtains in the design process. We want to hear your design hero story. Alternatively, describe your dream challenge and how you would design a process to help you deal with it.

8. Tell me what makes a great app in terms of visual design?

A great app requires a unique visual design, a fast and understandable user experience and interaction.

Clear display of information and hierarchy are fundamental in how the user understands the intended visual communication of the app. Memorable visual identity and association of colour are just a few elements that make a great app.

Show us some great apps and explain what makes them good. Likewise, explain how some popular apps could be improved upon.

9. Tell me the three best projects from your portfolio?

The candidate needs to explain the entire design process, the decisions, ideation, context, why's, do's and dont's, through describing the production and execution of a specific project.

Question the designer's decisions to discover details of projects and the reasoning behind these decisions. Ask how the designer would have made those projects even better.

10. Tell Us What Makes You Stand Out As A Graphic Designer?

With this question, the employer is basically asking you why they should hire you over any other candidate and they're also testing how well you know yourself as a professional graphic designer. Again, with this question it's important to be honest and to think about what qualities and experience you might possess as a graphic designer that other candidates might not – this could be your previous client base, the range and depth of your experience – or even some of the techniques you've picked up in your career. Whatever reasons you give, be sure to have some examples to hand so you can back them up.

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