Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Insurance Sales Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me is it advisable to replace the policy with another policy?

If it is not a long duration that you have bought the policy, then you can replace the policy. But in other case it is not advisable as you will lose all the benefits of the previous policy also the premium will go high as you go older. Also, the two-year period of contestability will also begin again.

2. Explain what is the Surrender Value?

Surrender Value is the amount when you stop paying the premium and withdraw the entire amount. The policy ceases as soon as you withdraw the money, and the insured will lose out all the returns on it.

3. Tell me is it safe to pay the premium through Insurance Agent?

It is safe to pay the premium through your agent as far as you are making the payment through cheques on the name of Insurance Company and receiving all the receipts for the payments.

4. Tell me what do you mean by term "Annuity"?

An annuity is the term used for the regular amount paid by the insurance company to the insured, after a certain period of time. The payment can be monthly or quarterly, this is often done to supplement income after retirement.

5. Tell me what is the difference between the participating and non-participating policy?

Participating policy is a policy, where the profit or benefits of the insurance company is shared with the insured in theform of a dividend or reversionary bonuses. While, the non-participating policy, does not share their profit with insured.

6. Explain what is 'declaration page' in insurance policy?

'Declaration page' in insurance policy, bears all the information of the policy holder like name, address, vehicle information, type of coverage and loss payee information.

7. Tell me can an individual take two policies and claim for both of them?

Yes,an individual can take two policies and claim for both.

8. Explain wow to claim the policy?

In order to claim the policy, you have to fill up the claim form and contact your financial advisor from whom you have bought the policy. You have to supplement all the required documents like original payment receipt to your insurance company. If everything is ok, you will be paid within seven days of the policy claimed.

9. Tell me what is the contestable period' in insurance policy?

'Contestable period' is usually 1 or 2 years, during which the insurance company holds all the right to investigate the policy and decide whether to pay or not to pay to the insured.

10. Explain what do you mean by 'Additional Insured'?

'Additional Insured' is the status associated mainly with property insurance and liability insurance. The additional insured will be protected under the main policy holder. For example a vehicle insurance policy which covers all the members of family and not only the owner.

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