Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions Part Five!

What is the difference between microcontrollers and microprocessor?
What is the function of bit slice processor?
How intel microprocessor different from other microprocessors?
What is the difference between core 2 duos and core 2 quads?
What is Microprocessor logic?
What are the basic functionalities that are being performed by microprocessor?
What are the components present in a microprocessor?
What are the different control lines that are present?
What is the use of control lines?
What is the process of communicating Memory with the Microprocessor?

2. Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions Part Four!

What are the different types of instructions that are present in microprocessor?
What is the function of LOADA mem and LOADB mem?
Which language is used to write microprocessor instructions?
What are the steps that are taken to decode an instruction code?
What is the difference between pipelined architecture and non-pipelined architecture?
How the address space is defined for different processors?
What are the features provided by intel microprocessors?
What are the different types of cache that is used by intel microprocessor?
How hyper-threading technology is provided with intel microprocessor?
What are the different types of processors used in intel microprocessor?

3. Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions Part Three!

What is the difference between CISC and RISC processor?
What are the different types of flag registers used in intel microprocessor?
Explain the architecture of intel microprocessor?
What is the difference between 32 bit or 64 bit microprocessor?
What are the different addressing modes that are used in intel microprocessor?
What are the different types of instructions that are present in microprocessor?
What is the difference between SIM and RIM?
How to measure the quality factor of the microprocessor?
What are the different triggers present?
What is the difference between edge trigger and level trigger?

4. Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions Part Two!

How to measure the clock frequency for 8086 intel microprocessor?
How tri-state logic defined?
What the difference is between stack and program counter?
What are the different functional units that are present in microprocessor?
What is the difference between Maskable and non-maskable interrupt?
What are the different types of flags that are available in microprocessor?
What is the difference between AMD processors and Intel microprocessors?
What are the steps involved in 5-stage pipelining?
What is the difference between stack and subroutine?
How to define the physical address of the microprocessor?

5. Intel Microprocessor Interview Questions Part One!

What is the function of linker and loader?
What is the function of control unit?
How to find out the architecture of microprocessor?
What is the difference between direct and indirect addressing mode?
How 8086 is different from 80386 microprocessor?
What is the difference between high order and low order registers?
How many types of buses that are required to transfer the data in the system?
What are the devices that directly communicate with the microprocessor?
What is the term MESI signifies?
What is the difference between parallel and direct microprocessor?

6. Briefly explain following instructions in 8086 family:
a) CWD
d) SAR

- CWD also known as the Convert signed Word to signed Double word instruction, it is used to extend the sign bit of a word in AX register to all the bits of the DX register. Generally used before a signed word in AX. Then it is divided by another signed word using IDIV instruction. It does not affect any flag.

- LOOP: (Jump to specified label until CX = 0): As the name suggests the loop instruction is used to repeat a sequence of instructions for a specified number of time. It does not affect any flag and the number of times the loop is to be repeated is stored in the CX register.

- IMUL: This instruction is used for the multiplication of two signed numbers.The result of imul between two signed numbers is signed as well. The OF (Over flow) and CF (Carry flag) flags get affected by this instruction.

- SAR: Also known as Shift each bit of operand right, this instruction shifts each bit of the operand in a register or memory location, right by the number of bits specified. The carry flag is affected by this operation.

7. What are the various types of addressing modes for microprocessors?

The various types of addressing modes for microprocessors are as follows:

- Direct Mode: In this mode of addressing the instruction in itself includes memory access. This can be accessed by the CPU directly.

- Indirect Mode: In this type of addressing the address which has been specified within the instruction contains the address of the operands.

- Register direct and indirect modes: In this mode as the name suggests no addresses are specified in this mode instead registers are specified.

- Immediate Mode: In this type of addressing mode the operand itself is the data.

- Relative Mode: In this mode the operand specified in the instruction is an offset address and not the actual address.

8. Explain the characteristics of the RS232C and RS422A standards?

The characteristics of RS232C are as follows:
- This standard has been defined for communication that is asynchronous. The timing between data bits are specified whereas the timing between two characters is not fixed.
- This standard guarantees 50 ft coverage and 25 signal lines are defined by it.
- For each direction only a single wire is defined.

The characteristics of the RS422A standard are as follows:
- The data rate of this standard is 10Mbits/sec.
- In this standard every signal is considered to be a pair of wires and the voltage difference between them is sensed by the receiver.

9. Write a program in assembly language to find out one`s and two`s complement for an 8 bit number?

- The program to find the one`s complement of an eight bit number is as follows:
LDA 2501H
STA 2502H
- The program to find the two`s complement is as follows:
LDA 2501H
STA 2502H

10. Briefly explain any 4 modes of operation of the 8254 interval timer?

The following are the modes of operation of the programmable timer 8254:

- Mode 0: Also known as the interrupt on terminal count. In this mode the output is initially low. Once the count of terminal is reached the output becomes high.

- Mode 1: Programmable one shot is also known as the hardware triggered one-shot. For it to happen, the count registers must be loaded and the A 0-1 pulse has to be sent to the Gate input in order to trigger the counter.

- Mode 2: Rate generator, this process is repeated indefinitely.

- Mode 3: Square wave generator, when gate=1, The out is a square wave where the high pulse is equal to the low pulse of N is an even number. In case the N is an odd number the high pulse is longer. The mode-3 is commonly used for as frequency divider.

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