Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Fresh Nuclear scientist Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is an invisible matter in the space that can hold the stars into the galaxy. They have no effect of electromagnetic force on it, which means it does absorb, reflect or emit light that makes them practically invisible.

2. What is Wave-Particle duality?

When matter and light exhibits properties of both waves and particles, it is referred as Wave-Particle duality. For instance, Light can behave like wave when it shines through narrow slits while, when exposed to some metal surface it will spray electrons acting as a particle. So under different conditions it will act.

3. Explain what is Quantum Physics?

The understanding of behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, nuclear, atomic and even microscopic levels is referred as Quantum physics

4. Tell me why did you choose to apply with us?

Actually I got information of this program through BARC. I want to persue carrier in nucLear science and when I got to know that I could have masters in this field then I considered it a brightest opportunity to look after this program.

5. Explain me do you believe nuclear fusion will soon be a reliable power source?

It is possible. But first we have to become self reliable in nuclear fission itself. Because nuclear fusion requires a very large amount of energy to fuse the atoms. And this kind of energy can be obtained by fission itself. There is no other way in present days to achieve such amount of energy except for nuclear fission.

6. Do you know what is shearing stress?

Shearing stress is the ratio of the tangential force F to the area of the face BCGH over which it is applied. The ratio shearing stress is divided by shearing strain is the shear module or co-efficient of rigidity, n

Shearing stress = const

Shearing strain

7. What is Uncertainty principle?

Uncertainty principle tells that the momentum and position of a particle cannot be measured precisely.

8. Tell me do We Really Need Nuclear In Order To Deal With Global Warming?

Preventing dangerous warming of the planet due to human emissions of greenhouse gases will require that we cut our emissions by 80 percent over the next 40 years at the same time that global energy demand is expected to double or triple. Doing so will require that we produce vast amounts of zero carbon energy. At present, the only way we know how to do that is with nuclear energy.

9. Explain me what are your career goals as Nuclear scientist?

Research in leading field of science was my primary goal since childhood. But would also like to associate my self with a profession that leads to a direct development of the society and common people.

10. Tell me what Is The Difference Between Cathode Ray And Beta Ray?

Actually normal on the wave front called RAY, in the beta radiation there is wave packet and hence no wave frant. in cathod ray there is electromegnatic radiation and we can use word ray but in the case of beta partical we use word beta radiation instead of betaray.

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