Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Oracle AR Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain Accounting for invoice in Advance and Arrears?

Accointing for invoice in advance

a) Receivable A/c .....................Dr.

To Unearned revenue a/c

(when we raise the invoice with invoicing rule as advance)

b) Unearned Revenue A/c .............. Dr.

To Revenue A/c

(when we receive the payment, the number of journal entry (b) is depend upon the accounting rules which can be fixed or variable)

Accounting for invoice in arrear

a) Unbilled receivable a/c ....................Dr.

To Revenue a/c

(when we receive the payment of unbilled invoice, the number of journal entry (a) is depend upon the accounting rules which can be fixed or variable))

b) Receivable a/c .........................Dr.

To Unbilled receivable a/c

(when we raise the invoice, with invoicing rule arrear)

2. What is the use of Transaction Flexfield in Autoinvoice?

Transaction Flexfield actually identifies the the uniqueness among the Multiple lines of a single Invoice.

3. What are value sets?

Valuesets are collection of set of Values.

There are six types of value sets available in Oracle Apps.

1) Dependent.

2) Independent.

3) Special.

4) None.

5) Table.

6) Pair.

4. What are Different types of transactions in AR?

I know 6 of them in total

1) Charge back

2) Credit memo

3) Debit memo

4) Invoice

5) Guarantee

6) Deposit

5. How many reporting currencies can be attached to Primary Set of Books?

For a given currency or primary SOB we can define maximum of 8 reporting SOBs.

6. What is the difference between conversions and interfaces?

Conversion is a process by which we transfer legacy data from temporary tables to base tables.
Interfaces also does the same but is a daily process and most of the interfaces are automated by scheduling. Example:AutoInvoice

7. What is FSG and what is its use?

Financial Statment Generation (FSG), we can create different financial statement and we will get finacial reports.

8. How many Flex fields are there in AR and what are they?

There are 3 flix fields are there

1.Arta flexfield

2.Salestax flexfileld

3.Territory flexfield

9. What is the difference between _all, _tl, _vl, _v tables in Oracle Apps?

_all : Table holds all the information about different operating units. Multi-Org environment. You can also set the client_info to specific operating unit to see the data specific to that operating unit only.

_TL : Translation Tables. where we can find the name of the particular field we are referring to. All _TL tables has a unique ID which corresponds the foreign key to other table which is used to store in the database and referenced back to display the name.

_V: are views.

_vl table stores the MultiLingual views

10. What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables?

All tables that starts with HZ_ are related to the Trading Community Architechture (TCA). In these table we can find all the information about the Customers, Organization, Person's.
From release 11i TCA came into picture in Accounts Recievable module, where oracle has grouped all the customer information at one place. Most important tables in TCA are HZ_PARTIES, HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_ALL, HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL, HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL, HZ_LOCATIONS, HZ_PARTY_SITES, HZ_PARTY_SITE_USES, HZ_CONTACT_POINTS. few to name.

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