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Top Photoshop Expert Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what is healing tool?

Healing tool is used in Photoshop to hide the unwanted spots or pictures that appeared in your original picture and makes picture look like real without any changes. The tool use complicated algorithm to calculate what would be the area of your picture based on the surrounding pixels.

2. Tell me how do you measure the success of your designs?

A good designer should always be looking for feedback and opportunities to iterate. They should care about metrics like conversion rates, click-throughs, and user feedback even if they aren't measured by them.

3. Tell me what are swatches palettes?

Photoshop provides two palettes for selecting color, a) Swatch Palettes b) Color Palettes. Some specific colors can be used without remembering the numeric color values. Also, colors can be extracted from an available image. Default swatches and custom swatches are also an additional option for the users.

4. Explain me have you learned something new or interesting lately?

Make sure you know all the relevant news and blogs. You should be reading them regardless, but doing so on a daily basis during your job search is important. Be ready to talk casually and fluently about the latest web trends.

5. Tell me how do I crop an image?

Cropping an image allows you to cut out any portion of the image you don't like and/or make an image smaller. This document contains the steps performed to crop an image in each of the major image editors. To the right is a visual example of a large image, such as a image scanned into the computer being cropped to a smaller image.

6. Explain me how do you organize layers in Photoshop?

A layers shows a picture or image. To organize layers in Photoshop, place various images in separate layers. Lock the unused layers and unlock the layers which are in use. When two or more layers need to be changed, unlock the layers.

7. Do you know how does Red Eye tool works?

Red eye tool is a type of a repairing tool. When you circle any problematic area with red eye tool, the Photoshop will automatically identity that area and will replace it by dark-gray pixels.

8. Tell me how do you select an exact color to match?

To sample the color as foreground color, we use the eye-dropper tool. Select the foreground color square, use the paint bucket tool or brush tool for covering the area. You can also use Clone Stamp Tool. Now use the key Alt+ and click where you want the color from and hold down the mouse button to cover up the area.

9. Tell me how smart collection in lightroom is useful?

Smart collection in light room is useful in

☛ Finding specific file types
☛ Smart collections to mark best images and can set up additional criteria
☛ Smart collections for Aspect Ratio- which means you can see your image in different formats like landscape, portrait and square

10. Do you know how to achieve Black/White with Color Detail?

use the lasso tool to carefully select the elements that you want to retain as color – you may even want to feather the selection by a couple of pixels if it looks better. Once you have these selected, invert the selection so that everything except the eyes/lips are selected, then desaturated the layer.

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