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Behavioral Portal and Portlet Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is Remote Servers in portal architecture?

Web services written using the EDK are hosted by remote servers. The servers can be in different countries, on different platforms and domains.

2. What is Authentication Server in portal architecture?

This server handles the portal authentication for users and remote services can be accessed through EDK.

3. What is Content Server in portal architecture?

Publication and management of web content for portals and web applications along with form based publishing, branding, templates, content expiration is allowed by this server.

4. What is Collaboration Server in portal architecture?

Web content publication and management for portals and web applications are supported by this server. Its functionality can be accessed by a remote web services through Enterprise Web Development kit.

5. What is Search Server in portal architecture?

This server indexes and searches all the information, applications, communities, documents, web sites through portal.

6. What is Image Server in portal architecture?

This server hosts images and other web page content used by web services and a portal. With this configuration, large static files are to be sent directly to the browser without portal server impacts.

7. What is Automaton Server in portal architecture?

This server performs the management of job scheduling and implementation of a portal. It accesses all remote crawlers and profile services retrieved and stored from a remote database.

8. Do you know the types of portals, Function-based portals and User-based portals?

Function-based portals

Horizontal Portals:
These are the portals are of type general interest. Yahoo!,Lycos,AOL,Freeserve,Sympatico are examples of horizontal portals.

Vertical Portals
They provide a gateway to the information pertaining to a specific industry such as insurance, banking, finance, automobile, telecom etc.

User-Based Portals

B2B Portals
The enterprises extend to suppliers and partners by using B2B portals.

B2C Portals
The enterprises extend to customers for ordering, billing, services by using B2C portals.

B2E Portals
The enterprise knowledge base integration and related applications into user customizable environment is done with B2E portals. This environment is like one stop shop.

9. Can you explain why we use portals?

The following are the reasons to use portals:

Unified way of presenting information from diverse sources.

Services like email, news, infotainment, stock prices and other features are offered by portals.

Provides consistent look and feel for enterprise. Eg. MSN, Google sites.

10. Explain JBoss portal server features?

Highly integrated web applications' costs reduce by portals. JBoss enables the reusability of branding and deploying new applications of composite nature.
The users and the industry can be customized, personalized their experiences in a secure and well governed manner by using JBoss portal.
JBoss incorporate components into a portal as reusable and standardized portlets, as Jboss is platform independent.
Performance and scalability is ensured.

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