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Behavioral Rational Functional Tester Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Can you please explain about Private vs. Shared Object Mapping in RFT?

Private Object Mapping:

- Objects are isolated from other objects.

- A good choice for development of scripts.

- There are chances to lead redundancy.

Shared Object Mapping:

- Scripts are shared among multiple testers.

- Shared object mapping involves single point of maintenance.

- Shared objects can have private maps for any one of the shared objects.

2. Tell me what are the event handlers which are invoked automatically by Rational TestScript class?

- onInitialize - invoked when every script is started.

- onTerminate – invoked at the end of each script.

- onAmbiguousRecognition – invoked when there are more than one objects are found.

- onObjectNotFound – invoked when there is no availability of an object during play back.

- onSubitemNotFound – invoked when a sub item is not

- onVpFailure – invoked when the designated VP fails to compare.

3. What is Shared Object Mapping?

- Scripts are shared among multiple testers.

- Shared object mapping involves single point of maintenance.

- Shared objects can have private maps for any one of the shared objects.

4. What is Private Object Mapping?

- Objects are isolated from other objects.

- A good choice for development of scripts.

- There are chances to lead redundancy.

5. Explain the benefits of associating Functional Tester project with Rational Project?

The following are the benefits:

- Testing assets are managed from one Rational Project.

- The functional scripts can be recorded and play back from Rational Test Manager.

- Functional test scripts can be played back on different computer architecture using Rational Test Agents, via Test Manager.

- Functional tester logs can be managed by using Test Log window from Test Manager.

- Test Manager can be used to coordinate the running scripts.

6. Tell me how to integrate Clear Case into Rational Functional Tester for version control?

Version Controlling is performed by using ClearCase. The following is the process to configure it.

- Select the Preferences menu item from Window menu.

- Check the ClearCase SCM Adapter under Workbench Capabilities.

- Ensure that Core Team Support is checked.

- Check Enable integration with ClearCase option under Team Functional Test.

- Select Team ClearCase SCM Adapter. ClearCase settings are configured in this screen.

- Click on OK.

7. Explain what is a datapool its contents and creation process?

- A single value can be replaced with multiple values, by recording one time, instead of recording many times for different input data.

- It has the replaced values.

- A script can be created by recording.

- The process is as follows:
1. Select the field in the application. Data pool is created for this field.
2. Click Tools Menu -> Manage-> Datapools from Test Manager, to create the data pool.
3. Enter the specific name for data pool name field along with its data type.
4. Enter multiple values that are to be replaced in that field.
5. Modify the script as per the need of the application.

8. Explain what are the verification methods?

The following are the verification methods:

- Case-Sensitive: Verifies the text that is captured during recording exactly with the text that is captured during playback.

- Case-Insensitive: Verifies the text that is captured during recording exactly with the text that is captured during playback in content but not in case of alphabets.

- Numeric Equivalence: Verifies the values that are captured during recording exactly with the values that is captured during playback in content.

- Numeric Range: Verifies the values which are captured during recording fall within a specified range during playback.

- User-defined DLL test function: Sends text to a function which in a DLL, so that custom tests can run. Path specification that includes directory and the name of the DLL is done.

- Selected blank field verification: Verifies the field selected has null values, which has no text or numeric data. The verification point will pass, when the field is blank.

9. Explain what is the purpose of a test object map in Rational Functional Tester?

- At the time of recording the script, the test object map is created, while the application is under test.

- Test Object Map provides a brisk way for adding objects to a particular script.

- Test Object Map provides the list of test objects that are available in the application.

- A new Test Object Map can be created by basing on existing map or by adding the required objects.

- A TOM contains certain properties for every object.

- Recognition information can be updated, thus scripts which are using the object map are able to share the information.

10. Tell me for how many development platforms & Languages, Functional Tester is available?

Functional Tester is available for two IDEs and two scripting languages:

- IBM Rational Software Development IDE.

- MS Visual Studio .NET IDE.

- Java Scripting.

- VB Scripting.

- Functional Tester uses Java Scripting in IBM Rational IDE and VB Scripting in MS Visual Studio .NET IDE.

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