Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Fresh Real Estate Broker Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me how do you prefer to communicate with leads?

The culture of your brokerage should play into this question. If your brokerage is located in a small town, maybe phone calls work best. If your brokerage is in a large city, maybe text messages or emails are preferred. Also consider what forms of communication match your agnets' client base best.

2. Tell me will I be able to host open houses for other agents' listings?

Some brokerages' associates work together as a team to offer open house hosting opportunities to newer agents in need of buyer leads. See if the company's agents pull together to provide opportunities like this to newbies.

3. Tell me do you provide training?

Newly licensed Realtors have specific training needs. They need to be provided with hands-on coaching on all elements of real estate business ownership, starting with the most elementary “best practices” as well as receive a thorough comprehension of contracts and forms. Mentorship programs, coupled with an extensive new agent training series, is usually the best way to provide a well-rounded education to newly licensed agents.

4. Tell me what separates you from other Real Estate agents?

This is the candidate's opportunity to shine. Look for those interviewees who really sell themselves and tell you why they'd be a great hire. Seek candidates that list more than just personality traits (i.e. a hard worker, or fast learner), but those who can provide examples from their previous work history that exemplify those traits.

5. Tell me what business necessities are you willing to pay for?

Real estate agents are responsible for all aspects of running their own business, but brokers can help out by providing them with items like business cards and signs as well as office and tech support.

6. Tell me where and how do you provide advertising for the associates?

Print advertising popularity is on the decline, so how is the company providing alternative ways to capture leads and route them back to you? Company-hosted lead capture websites, web and print marketing, floor time and open house availability all come into play to provide you with contacts. Keep in mind that ultimately, the most lucrative real estate businesses are built through referrals of personal friends, family and past clients and colleagues.

7. Tell me what would your previous brokerage say about you?

The interviewee should touch not only on what traits their brokerage would mention, but how their personal traits led to a positive outcome for the brokerage.

8. Tell me which social media platforms are you currently using?

Compare the candidate's answer to other agents at your firm. Maybe this candidate could help your agents with newer platforms like Instagram or Snapchat.

9. What are you looking for in a brokerage?

This question is meant to see if the agent would be happy at your brokerage.

10. What's your dream job as Real Estate Broker?

If the interviewee answers with a non Real Estate realted job, maybe reconsider them as a candidate.

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