Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Solaris System Calls Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Solaris server is slow, what action you will take?

The following command will show the CPU utilization of

prstat -s cpu -n 5

Take the output and check the maximum utilization process,
if it is not required kill it.

pkill <process name>
kill -9 <PID>

3. How to check NIS Users in a singal command?

From NIS client type the following command.

#ypcat -k passwd | grep userid

4. Tell me From where swap read the swap -l?

swap is the command related to swaparea, present in

-l option is to long list the content of swap.
-a to add blocks
-d to delete blocks
-s option for summary of the swap area.

5. How to find out particular file from the backup tape with the help of ufsrestore?

use the command
bash#ufsrestore -if <backed-up device>


will list-out all the baked-up files.Select your required
file from that

6. How to check from the OK boot prompt?

ok> probe-scsi

if required
ok> probe-scsi-all

7. How to check damaged Scsi Disk?

1)check the errot messages like kernel and I/O related
errors in /var/adm/messages file.if any disk having 2 write
errore and 10 read errors it is supposed toe Bad disk.

2)check logical and phsical path of that bad hard disk
using the command eeprom show-devs.

3)after that we have to genetae the ticket to the concern

4)take the full backup of that disk.

5)After taking the permission we need to change the disk
with timestamps.

8. Solaris Server is not running in multi level? Continuously restarting after installing the package?

While installing the package, use pkgadd -d <package name>
this will have impact only in running state once you resated
the system will be back to normal state as it was before
installing a package.

If no error is generated use pkgadd <package name>

Also you can use ok prompt or EEPROM to set the environment
variable auto-boot?=false.This will prevent the automatic
reboot of systems

9. Fast I Install red hat Linux 4.0 and again I install Sun Solaris 10 after install Solaris I got problem I am not able to see Red Hat Linux what was the problem, I need to Edit something, So tell me step by step configuring?

It's not working properly,If u edited grub working only few

Better than Solaris OS install first then u can install
Redhat after u follow step by step for running both OS at
single machine at a time single os:

After install redhat now u can able see linux os only,after
login linux

1. Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf # end of this file add some lines

2. title Sun Solaris
root (hd0,0) or root (sd0,0) # This for primary
partition otherwise which partition did u install mention
here like (hd0,2)
chainloader +1

Then save & exit now shutdown ur pc (don't reboot)
3. Now poweron ur pc now press arrow key then u can u able
see the solaris os will be list.Now select this enjoy

10. We just changed the server name, then onwards the Volume manager is not loading. Tell us what might be the reason?

if the /etc/vx/volboot file contains difference in the host
id, configuration daemon (veritas volume manager) won't
start. In order to fix, you can disable/enable the volume
manager configuration to new hostname.

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