Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Television News Anchor Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what other positions are you looking at?

We believe it's best not to name names. Nobody really wants to hear that you're interested or applying to their competitors and saying that may turn some hiring managers off. On the other hand, if you say you are not looking at any other position, it might seem far-fetched or make you look like you're not aware of your market worth and ability to get a job elsewhere. The best answer here is something along the lines of “Similar roles at companies in this industry where I think I can make a real difference.”

2. You seem to change jobs frequently why?

Average job tenure is growing shorter and shorter but that doesn't mean hiring managers don't get worried when they see someone that can't hold a job down without changing every year or two. It's a big investment of time and money to hire someone new and they want to make sure that you are not fickle or immature about your choices. If you can provide context about inevitable job changes that weren't your fault (e.g. you had to move across the country to be with your spouse, the company closed down), that will put the interviewer at ease.

3. Tell me what are you expecting in terms of salary as Television News Anchor?

We believe that anchoring your salary expectations to your prior salary is the surest way to get very incremental pay raises. Ideally, you've done your compensation research and understand the salary possibilities for the role. If not, and you must anchor your salary expectations to what you have previously earned, don't frame the expectations that way. Simply state the number you believe you should receive for the role (and make sure it's more than what you would settle for, just in case it sets an anchor figure for future pay negotiation).

4. Tell me what areas of the company are growing fastest right now?

We are investing in many parts of the business, but digital is seeing a lot of exciting changes and growth.

5. Tell me what do you expect candidates to know about CNN before an interview?

It's important that the person have an understanding of our programming, our mission around original content and our digital properties.

6. Tell us are you comfortable traveling for work?

Here, you should be honest. If the job requires you to be on a plane once a week (or even a month) and that's just not going to work for you, it's better to figure that out sooner rather than later. There's no point in pretending you're cool with spending half your nights in a hotel room if that's just not going to fly with your family situation (or if you're just plain not interested).

7. Tell me what types of jobs are available for recent graduates?

A couple of great entry points are our news assistants and technical operation assistants positions. The technical positions focus on work in the control room and studios. The editorial career path focuses on newsgathering, writing, and producing.

8. Explain me about someone you admire and why?

There are many types of interviewers, and those who really want to get a good sense of who you are might ask this question. This is often a question people ask to get a sense of what your values and aspirations are. There's certainly no wrong answer -- you can name someone personal or a celebrity -- but being authentic here matters because there's no point in trying to guess what someone thinks the right answer is. Your reasoning is also probably more important than the name of any individual.

9. Tell me why our company?

This is one of the most common job interview questions. If you're interviewing for a role that might be relatively ‘standard' across many other companies, it's actually a very good question - so it's a good idea to have a ready answer. It also is a test to see how much you understand about the larger context and employer, itself.

Think about the interviewer's perspective and about the company goals. This is a time to show that you understand the company's mission, its values or something about its culture. Remember, you want to make the interviewer feel good about where he or she works and make them believe you really want to join them.

10. Explain me do you prefer working independently or on a team?

This is a common question when a hiring manager wants to assess whether you will be a good fit, culturally. Be as honest as possible when you respond to this, but make sure it's clear you're comfortable working collaboratively and on your own. Companies want to hire people who are fun and easy to work with -- but also those who can manage whatever they need to on their own.

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