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Operational Virtual Reality Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what are primitives in VRML?

Primitives are basic geometric shapes that are built into the language. The shapes available are: Sphere, Box, Cylinder and Cone. You should abuse these nodes because they are defined in a small number of lines, keeping the size of your document at a minimum.

2. Tell me do I have to compile my VRML code?

No. Unlike Java, VRML doesn't need to be compiled at all. That's why it requires a plugin for viewing it.

3. Explain me are you in the research labs?

We have an Oculus research lab in Seattle that we've talked about, and that's really more pure research, like long-term. I work more on the near-term productization team. And it's in terms of there is R&D, but it's not years out, it's in the near-term like getting the next product out the door and making it as good as possible-type of R&D.

4. Tell me do I need a VR headset in order to watch the videos?

In order to experience virtual reality, you'll need a VR headset such as a Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, or the Oculus Rift. You can purchase a Google Cardboard from several recommended vendors. See Google Cardboard's website for more information.

5. Please explain, wouldn't whole-body haptics be the ultimate in VR sensing?

This is a fascinating modality because it's the one with the highest bandwidth. It would open access to cognitive powers that seem to be innate, such as the ability of the hands to find harmonically correct paths between chords on a piano without the need for conscious thought. Whole body haptics would allow us to enter, explore and virtually experience structures that we cannot even see.

6. Tell me what will it take? Will it take marketing spending?

It's going to take good content, units in the field, and a probably lot of grassroots evangelism. I don't think a television ad and can nearly be as effective as showing people this thing.

7. Tell me how might the virtual world change the world of work?

That's complex because there are so many different kinds of work. But my vision is that the virtual world will become the place in which each individual can achieve a form of success that suits his or her character. That's what a successful future for mankind looks like. Over the last couple of centuries, every time a technology has gotten better, it has put some people out of work. But it has also created new jobs. And the new jobs are usually more dignified and pleasant than those they replaced. Looking ahead, therefore, the question of human dignity is the only question that matters. It is the only purpose of developing technologies.

8. Tell me when did you decide that mobile VR was important?

We've known it would be important for a long time. Even since the beginning of the company, people said "what's the long-term vision of how these headsets are going to work?" And it's very clear--in the future, it's all going to be headsets with onboard computing power... We knew mobile would be an important component, we just didn't know it would be so soon.

9. Explain me how do we get started with VRML?

You can use any text editor to write your VRML code, there are also a great number of programs available in the Web for different platforms, some for free and others pretty expensive. For viewing your work, as I said before, you'll need a browser with a plugin, there's quite a variety that you can choose from for different platforms. If you have some programming knowledge learning VRML will be piece of cake, if not it still pretty easy.

10. Tell me where can I find the specification for VRML?

We can find it at the VRML Consortium site

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